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将大蒜磨碎,加到肉末里。Grate garlic and add it into the mincemeat.

我真要把你砸成薄饼,你转回头去!I'll thrash you into mincemeat ! turn back!

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首相把对方反对他的论点驳得体无完肤。The Prime Minister made mincemeat of his opponent's arguments.

在开始肉馅是用肉,蛋,干果和香料。In the beginning Mincemeat was made with meat, eggs, dried fruits and spices.

妈妈正准备晚饭,她烘制了一些馅饼、巧克力蛋糕以及甜甜圈。Mom was baking some mincemeat tarts, chocolate cakes, and doughnuts for dinner.

反对派领导人反对大臣们的建议,并将他们驳得体无完肤。The opposition leader spoke against the chancellors' proposals and mincemeat of them.

位于东京的英国大使馆给他们送来了苏格兰威士忌和苹果派。The British embassy in Tokyo had sent over a supply of Scotch whisky and mincemeat pies.

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反对派领导人反对大臣们的建议,并将他们驳得体无完肤。The opposition leader spoke against the chancellors' proposals and made mincemeat of them.

在一个碗里加入黑巧克力和碎肉,在另一个碗里加入白巧克力和蔓越莓。In one bowl add the dark chocolate and mincemeat. Add the white chocolate and cranberries to the other bowl.

第一批样品有点的手感有点像肉酱,但用不了五年就能生产出牛排了。The first samples are likely to be like mincemeat in texture, while producing steaks could take at least five years longer.

通过从抵押贷款持有人或公司的借款,杂烩债券得到重组,但银行同抵押贷款持有人或持有公司并没有关系。The banks had no relationship with the mortgage-holders or companies from whose borrowings their mincemeat securities were reconstituted.

本课题从肉的品质,肉糜性质,产品开发三个角度来对海狸鼠肉进行研究,为其进一步的开发提供理论基础。This theme mainly researched three angles of the fleshy quality, mincemeat quality and product developing of the nutria meat as its basis theory.

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“编码”可以将“攻击”一词转换成“FRGPL”或“馅饼”,“密码”则作用在“语义层”之下。While a code might transform "attack" into "FRGPL" or " mincemeat pie", a cipher transforms elements below the semantic level, ie, below the level of meaning.

但是关于海狸鼠胴体品质,肉质特性,营养成分,肉糜性质,产品加工等一系列相应研究还处在起步阶段。But at present a series of study that the carcass quality, meat quality characteristic, nourishment composition, mincemeat quality, the product processes of nutria is beginning.