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司法腐败与法官自身素质有一定的联系。Judicial corruption has some contact with the diathesis of judge.

在职场上,您会觉得女性心理素质不如男性吗?。Do you think that female's psychological diathesis is frailer than male?

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作为教育改革一部分的素质教育是面向未来的教育。Diathesis education, as a part of education's reform aim at the future education.

我很高兴再次在学院继续进修,提高自身的文化修养与素质。I am glad to be in college again, where I can improve my culture and my diathesis.

科学素质的高低,直接决定民族素质的高低。The height of scientific diathesis decide directly the height of national diathesis.

但你现在已经安全了,是否继续检测取决于你的心理素养!You are safe now! Continueing to test or not depends on your psychological diathesis.

在高职院校,人文素质教育一直没有得到足够的重视。The education of humanities diathesis is always neglected in tertiary vocational schools.

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促使受教育者个性生动活泼地主动发展是素质教育的重要环节。Urging the educatee's brisk and active develop is the important part of the diathesis education.

在心理训练中应加强对射手心理素质的培养。Cultivation of shooter's psychological diathesis should be strengthened in psychological training.

为实现新的转变,图书馆员必须提高自身素质,接受继续教育。In order to achieve this change, the librarians must improve their diathesis and accept reeducation.

知识经济时代的竞争,归根到底是人才综合素质的竞争。The competition in the period of knowledge economy is the integrative diathesis in the final analysis.

结论儿童生理素质及家庭因素是造成沿海驻军干部子女智力发展的主要影响因素。Conclusion Physiological diathesis and family factors were the main influential factors of IQ development.

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其特色是“以职业素质为核心”,如何实现这一特色,是本课题的研究任务之一。Its character is centered with vocational diathesis. How to realize this is one of the main research tasks.

诚信是人立身处世的根本,也是人思想道德素质的重要组成部分。Credit is not only the base of human being, but also the important portion of human beings' moral diathesis.

对具有过敏素质家族史的儿童,在进行免疫时,亦宜加小心。Care should also be exercised in the immunization of children with a family history of an allergic diathesis.

目的探讨应用情商考评招聘聘用护士的方法,以提高护士队伍的整体素质。Objective To explore the method of using EQ in recruiting nurses in order to improve diathesis of nurses team.

第二部分对公关礼仪主持人进行了界定并对公关礼仪主持人应具备的基本素质进行归纳、总结。The second part defines the compere of PR etiquette and summarizes the basic diathesis of an eligible compere.

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同时企业家本身也要提高素质,修炼自己,使自己真正成熟起来。Meanwhile, the entrepreneurs themselves should improve their personal diathesis and train to become exactly mature.

公务员的素质对于提高一个地区、一个国家的竞争力具有举足轻重的作用。So the diathesis of civil servant would hold the balance in raising the competition ability of an area or a country.

本文就护士长应具备的素质,提高护士长素质的途径和方法,护理管理技巧进行了探讨。We talk about the basic diathesis of a head nurse, the ways of im proving diathesis and nursing m anagem ent skills.