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精确算出锯路的损耗和出材率。The loss of the saw Kerf and recovery have be accurately calculated.

为设备进一步优化,提高割缝能力奠定基础。Optimize further for equipment, raise kerf ability to lay a foundation.

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锯过木头后留下的锯缝就叫做kerf.That slot left in the wood after a saw goes through is called the kerf.

一系列的切缝宽度和曝光可能会改为优化的表现。Range of kerf width and exposure may be changed for optimized performance.

系统研究了工艺参数对切缝宽度和切缝质量的影响规律。The effects of laser process parameters on kerf width and quality were studied.

为了获得高质量的切缝,就要精确确定焦点的位置。In order to obtain high-quality kerf , it is necessary to assure the accurate location of the focus.

同时也加大了锯口挤压变窄时夹锯的锯片表面积。It also increases the surface area of the blade avaliable for pinching under conditions of kerf close down.

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而有些薄壁,也不太可能削减石,切割,因为薄的石头会断裂石材。And some thin kerf , but also are less likely to cut stone, cut so thin because of the stones will fracture stone.

切口在隧道壁边界的外面,隧道壁是由钻机在钻透土地或岩石时挖出的。The kerf is the outside boundary of the tunnel wall that a boring machine gouges out as it bores through the ground or rock.

本文将着重阐述刀具装夹、低噪声刀具、薄锯路圆锯片、新型刀具及应用。New clamping systems, low noise tooling, thin kerf saw blades, update cutters and their application were introduced in the paper.

采用连续改变激光切削参数的方法,研究了切割条件对切口形状和尺寸的影响及切口控制方法。An experimental study is presented to investigate the effects of cutting conditions on kerf geometry with variable process parameters.

切割深度设置过量会加大设备负荷,增加锯片在锯口中扭偏的易发性。Using the saw with an excessive depth of cut setting increases loading on the unit and susceptibility to twisting of the blade in the kerf.

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切口外壁切割速度相对增加,其锥度相对较大,而且射流反射区向外壁倾斜,这不利于以外壁作为零件表面的切割加工。On the contrary, the higher travel speed on outside wall will cause great kerf taper on outside wall of kerf and jet upward deflection zone.

通过系统的试验研究,分析了激光精密加工各主要工艺参数对切割表面质量、组织及性能的影响。Through the systemic experiments, the effects of parameters on the kerf quality and properties of laser machining surface were investigated.

最后提出了管材激光割缝时槽宽尺寸精度控制的补偿原则。At last, the authors give a compensation principle for dimensional accuracy control of grooving kerf width with laser beam for seamless pipe.

为减小切口宽度,提高切口质量,进行了水再压缩等离子弧切割陶瓷实验研究。To reduce the kerf width and to improve the kerf quality, the experiments of ceramic cutting with water constricted plasma arc are carried out.

为减小陶瓷板件切口宽度,提高切口质量,采用水箍和磁场对附加阳极等离子弧进行综合二次约束。In order to reduce the kerf width and improve the kerf quality, the hydromagnetically confined plasma arc was used to cut engineering ceramic plates.

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磨料水射流加工在切口形成过程中出现冲蚀延时现象,从而在直线切割时形成切口斜度,在圆形零件切割时形成切口锥度。Phenomenon of erosion delay in forming kerfs by abrasive waterjet will cause kerf incline in straight cutting or kerf taper in circular cutting process.

由于线锯切割具有切片薄、表面翘曲变形小、厚薄均匀和切口损失小等优点,被广泛用于单晶硅切片加工。The wire sawing process has been applied to slice single silicon into thin wafers for its character of minimum warp, uniform thickness and low kerf loss.

开锯前或者锯片在锯口中停机后重新启动,都必须让电锯达到全速运转后,再行推进。The saw should be brought up to full operating speed before starting a cut or restarting a cut after the unit has been stopped with the blade in the kerf.