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柯拉完全是个服服贴贴的妻子。Cora is quite simply a browbeaten wife.

卡罗小心地端着卡拉的胡萝卜。Carol carefully carried Cora 's carrots.

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阿烈克想像著柯拉的表情,自己微笑了起来。Alex smiled to himself as he pictured Cora 's face.

哦,没有关系,他以后可以买别的果盆给柯拉!Oh, well, he would get Cora the other dishes later.

阿烈克和柯拉参与各种社区活动。Both Alex and Cora took part in community activities.

柯拉想要说话,但是话说不出来。Cora tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.

科拉的崇拜者画家亚瑟却在家中自杀身亡。Cora worshippers painter Arthur but suicide in the home.

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科拉松觉得一切的人都不爱她,连儿子杰米也不爱她了。Cora loose feel all people love her, even the son jamie also not her.

到年底,科拉李开始想象一个更美好的未来她的孩子。By the end, Cora Lee begins to imagine a better future for her children.

科拉松在美容店与伊梅尔达相遇,两个人互不买账,冷言冷语。Cora loose in beauty parlors and imelda meet, two people tell each, too.

吉姆和柯拉正在为义大利之行打包行李。柯拉有点紧张。Jim and Cora are packing for a trip to Italy. Cora is a little stressed.

在发挥,儿童和科拉李都感动的性能。At the play, the children and Cora Lee are all touched by the performance.

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阿烈克心里想,平白无故送点什么给柯拉一定很好玩。It would be fun, Alex thought, to give Cora something for no reason at all.

他非常爱柯拉,不希望世界上有任何事使她伤心。He loved Cora very much and didn't want anything in the world to make her sad.

科拉松在餐桌上拉着菲德尔讲工作上的事,菲德尔很有礼貌的请她分开。Cora loose on the table took Fidel speak job, Fidel is very polite please her apart.

塞琳开端到杰米的公司工作,却遭到了科拉松夫人的成心刁难。Celine beginning to jamie company work, has encountered cora loose lady mean bewilders.

那倒不见得是真的。每当阿烈克买礼物给她,柯拉总是把它看成是一个特别的日子。That wasn't exactly true. Cora always made it an occasion when Alex brought her a gift.

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科拉松为曾经想把妹妹格洛丽亚送到乡下的行为,而向妹妹抱歉。Cora pine for tried to sister gloria sent to the countryside to conduct, and sister sorry.

空手道冠军克林寇拉,以他正面的行动以及个人优势,激励他人。Karate champion Clint Cora inspires others with his positive actions and personal strength.

激进的是12岁将是一个学生,在第七级在沙龙学院今年秋天上市。Cora is 12 years old and will be a student in the seventh grade at Sharon Academy this fall.