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阳光耀眼。The sunshine is dazzling.

这块布的颜色太扎眼。This cloth is too dazzling.

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啊,迎面是刺眼的窗子Before me there are dazzling windows

太阳闪耀着光芒。The sun shines with a dazzling light.

这种蝴蝶简直就是耀眼夺目。These butterflies are simply dazzling.

有些菜肴甚至都没通过造型这一关。Some don't even pass the dazzling test.

南希的第一次读书报告确定会让人眼花撩乱。Nancy's first book report is sure to be dazzling.

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那就是为什么人们称西湖为一颗灿烂夺目的明珠。That's why people call West Lake a dazzling pearl.

它的坟头没有墓碑,只有一棵绿绿的小草。Its grave mound no tombstone, only a dazzling grass.

说着,他的戒指上,亮起了耀眼的红芒。Say, on his ring, shone a dazzling ruddy long grass.

在座的各位毕业的同窗,你们所处的时代是一个神奇的时代。You graduates are coming of age in an dazzling time.

北海道的雪祭景观令人眼花撩乱。The Snow Festival in Hokkaido is a dazzling spectacle.

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他们的后代就是这白得令人眩目的利皮兹赞。Their descendants became the dazzling white lipizzans.

他们的后代就是这白得令人眩目的利皮兹赞。Their descendants became the dazzling white lipizzans.

偎在沙发的软窝中,厮守着一片令人眼花缭乱的屏幕。Cuddling in the soft sofa, I watch the dazzling screen.

在眼花缭乱的表象之中往往暗藏何种杀机?In the dazzling image of what is often hidden murderous?

礼服中融合了很多颜色会显得很刺眼。The skirts of mixed colors to dress especially dazzling.

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这令人炫目的群花景象正是这春天的精神。Such a dazzling flower scene exactly shows spring spirit.

如此一来,漂亮刺眼的烟熏妆就诞生了。Come so, beautiful and dazzling sootiness makeup was born.

来自数字化的设备的耀眼的光使我头昏。The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.