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系统决定了WBA以及MBA。The system determines the WBA and MBA.

系统使用高四分之一工资数据来计算WBA。The system uses high quarter wages to calculate WBA.

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那是WBA头衔,现在却被大卫-哈耶拥有。That's the WBA title, which is currently held by David Haye.

现在,WBA的重量级拳王瓦鲁耶夫表示,他正在另择对手。Now, Valuev, the WBA heavyweight titleholder, says he's moving on.

世界名牌协会规定按刘恒杰博士发明,全球名牌按品牌价值分为7个等级。According to the classification of brands, WBA divides the global brands into 7 classes by their brand value.

我们有个艰难的开局,但今天的表现明显比对阵西布朗维奇和伯明翰时更好。We've had a very hard start, but our performance today was clearly much better than against WBA and Birmingham.

世界拳击协会重量级冠军瓦鲁耶夫尼古拉到达之前对大卫海牙11月7日在德国纽伦堡的斗争中环。WBA heavyweight champion Nikolai Valuev arrives in the ring before a fight against David Haye in Nuremberg November 7.

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WBA原是在美国成立的国立拳击运动协会,以对抗纽约州体育运动委员会。WBA used in the United States set up the National Boxing Association to fight for the New York State Sports Committee.

在1999年3月13日,刘易斯在面对纽约市在什么应该是一个统一回合重量级拳击和IBF拳王霍利菲尔德锦标保持者。On March 13, 1999, Lewis faced WBA and IBF titlist Evander Holyfield in New York City in what was supposed to be a heavyweight unification bout.

马奎兹计划如果不能与帕奎奥达成比赛将继续前行。他或者对阵法定挑战者迈克尔-卡斯提斯,或者略减重迎战WBA140磅头衔拥有者阿米尔-可汗。Marquez plans to move forward if he can't get Pacquiao, with either a mandatory defense against Michael Katsidis, or a jump in weight for a shot at WBA 140-pound titleholder Amir Khan.