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艾文、赛门与喜多是三只花栗鼠。Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are chipmunks.

例如弗雷德里克·西奥多·普莱德。Take Frederick Theodore Prady, for example.

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但是,如今,他的名字变得长一些了——信上的署名是,医学博士斯托达德。The letter was signed, Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.

西奥多笑着回答说,“原来是这样啊。”Theodore laughed. “That is a good reason, ” he said.

西奥多•舒尔茨则不同意这种观点。Theodore Schults does not agree to this point of view.

我刚读过埃德蒙·莫里斯写的关于西奥多·罗斯福的书。I just read the Emund Morris's book on Theodore Roosevelt.

白修德所提出的问题比以前更有现实意义了。Theodore White's questions were now more relevant than ever.

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西奥多·罗斯福最终把它安置在哪里?Where was it eventually installed on the orders of Theodore Roosevelt?

西奥多·德莱塞是美国史上的一个杰出作家。Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding writer in American literary history.

我们认得一个人的祖母,她居然把泰奥多尔变成了格农。We have known a grandmother who succeeded in turning Theodore into Gnon.

在大学里最精彩的课是西奥多·乔根森教的现代物理学。The highlight was a course in Modern Physics taught by Theodore Jorgensen.

西奥多问道,“您能告诉我,您为什么要在冬天擦窗户吗?”“Would you please tell me why you wash your windows in the winter?” asked Theodore.

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德莱塞被认为是美国自然主义文学的杰出代表。Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism.

西奥多罗斯福总统在1901年给白宫正式命名。President Theodore Roosevelt officially gave the White House its current name in 1901.

1900年,西奥多·罗斯福成为美国副总统,并在1904年当选为美国总统。Theodore Roosevelt became the vice president in 1900 and was elected president in 1904.

没有前总统抨击超过西奥多罗斯福他津津有味后华盛顿年。No ex-president has attacked his post-Washington years with more gusto than Theodore Roosevelt.

哈维尔·威里、西奥多·罗斯福和联邦食品药品规制。Anthony Gaughan, Harvey Wiley, Theodore Roosevelt, and the Federal Regulation of Food and Drugs.

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前总统西奥多•罗斯福和其他人公开抨击新型艺术是这个国家的威胁。Former president Theodore Roosevelt and others denounced the new art as a threat to the country.

西奥多·罗斯福作为1901至1909年的美国总统,于1906年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. president from 1901 to 1909, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906.

西奥多拉·范朗克尔的服装和费的美丽发型使这部电影有了极佳的观赏性。Theodore Van Runkles' costumes and Faye's wonderful hair made this film fantastically watchable.