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那里大部分还是泥巴路。Most roads are unpaved.

在这条巷子右转。Bucketing over the unpaved lane.

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街道没有铺上石砖和排水沟。The streets were unpaved and undrained.

我们能分清铺砌的跑道和未铺砌的地方。We can distinguish between paved runway and unpaved areas.

通常情况下,这项运动被称为骑自行车上铺砌的表面。Typically, this sport is known as biking on an unpaved surface.

未经铺砌的道路使我们行进缓慢,尽管剩下的路途并不算遥远。The unpaved roads made it slow-going, though we didn't have far to go.

一个朋友曾经告诉我,他驾车沿着一条没铺柏油的单行山路走。A friend once told me of driving along a one-lane, unpaved mountain road.

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它的柏油路面到山顶就结束了,但这条街仍沿伸到山脊的陡峭的另一侧。Its pavement stopped at the top, but the street continued unpaved down the steep far side.

另一条是未经铺砌的,被不愿受约束的行人踩出来的小路。And there are unpaved paths created by pedestrians who were unwilling to be constrained by those latter.

但是当我到该岛另一边,走在破草屋边上未铺的路上。But when I left for other side of the island, I was traveling on unpaved roads line with leaky cottages.

我们可以从铺好的柏油路、或是未铺好的道路、光污染、铁路、输电线路看出所有的事情。We see everything from paved and unpaved roads, light pollution, railways, electricity transmission lines.

在贫困地区,这种情况更加糟糕,道路崎岖不平,就近的房屋撒满了粪便。And it's even worse in the poor areas. Bumpy, unpaved roads receive all the excrements of the houses nearby.

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特雷利乌的旅游机构举办整天的游览,但是如果恶劣天气使未铺设的道路无法通行,则可能取消游览。Trelew-based travel agencies run day-long tours but may cancel if bad weather makes the unpaved roads impassable.

通往这个阿富汗最不发达的省的道路还没有铺好,检查点,秕土匪和塔利班随处可见。The road to this, the least developed province, is unpaved , checkpointed and blighted by bandits and the Taliban.

随着引擎的轰鸣声,一辆老式汽车将几个商人带上坑坑洼洼未铺平的道路,通向了山区。The rattle of anengine could just be heard as an old bus took the merchants up a rutted, unpaved road into the mountains.

在冬季他们回到小小的集镇柯切克去,这段路程要乘汽车在没有路面的道路上走三个小时。In the winter they return to the small market town of Kochkor, three hours away by car over unpaved and often impassable roads.

她住在一条崎岖不平小路上的一间小木屋,没有空调,每天最多只有三小时有电力供应。She lives in a small wooden hut on an unpaved road, with no air-conditioning and electricity for only three hours a day at best.

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基奎特在最近的一次讲话中说,他能做到的最好地步就是让越过迁徙路线的那一段道路留下来不进行铺砌。In a recent speech, Kikwete said the best he could do was to leave the part of the road that crossed the migratory route unpaved.

她的技术参数预示着她可以在短距离的、没有铺筑、以及在高纬度的跑道上起降。Technical parameters of this airplane predestinate it for operation from short, unpaved runways, possibly from high altitude airports.

顾客进商铺前,要走过铺在土路街上的木板平台,以免把尘埃和土壤带进屋里。Customers of the store walked on wooden platforms covering the unpaved dirt streets to avoid tracking the dust and mud into the building.