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请相信我,会苦尽甘来的…Please believe me, will thereafter.

此后,曲线迅速转平。Thereafter the curve rapidly levels off.

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但是其后的分号是足够的。But a semicolon thereafter is sufficient.

从此,他知道自己的处境是多麽悲怆。Thereafter he knows the pathos of his situation.

以后我们会在周一和周三上课。But thereafter we will indeed be Monday, Wednesday.

但是反同性恋法案之后很快就起草了。But the antigay bill was drafted shortly thereafter.

也就是小数点后还有数字。Something with a decimal point and numbers thereafter.

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然后它们就可以被正式称为‘警犬’啦。Thereafter they will be officially called Police Dogs.

随后不久我们将展示一页纸计划。Shortly thereafter we would roll out the one-page plan.

自那以后,所有的讽刺性图片都被称为漫画。Thereafter all satirical drawings were called cartoons.

上图线段应该于四月或刚四月后相交。These lines should collide in April or shortly thereafter.

此后,原告方开始对外招揽广告客户。Plaintiff thereafter began to recruit advertisement clients.

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很快,我们抵达了举行午宴的私人会所。Shortly thereafter we arrived at the private club for lunch.

然后我们前往蒙特卡洛,去参观著名的赌场。Thereafter we went to Monte Carlo, to see the famous Casino.

陪着不知情的杰姬在医院等候音讯。Accompany unwitting Jackie in hospital waiting for thereafter.

薪水是第一个星期八元,以后十元。The salary was eight dollars the first wk. and ten thereafter.

之后乘车前往阿格拉约五小时,抵达后前往入住酒店。Thereafter drive 5 hours to Agra. On arrival Check-in at hotel.

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吴华兰第一时间打电话给顺德,报告好音讯。WuHuaLan first time to call shunde, the report good thereafter.

一九三二年他离开纽约,自那以后我们再也没有听到他的音讯。He left New York in 1932 and we heard no more of him thereafter.

被担保人今后不再逐笔办理或有债务登记。The guarantee need not register each contingent debt thereafter.