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她们在狼狈为奸吗?Were they in collusion?

他们与贪官污吏狼狈为奸。They acted in collusion with corrupt officials.

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最后,执法者必须与勾结串通决裂。Finally, law enforcement must crack down on collusion.

他们拉帮结派,狼狈为奸。They ganged up and acted in collusion with each other.

在司法程序中,通谋是指一项机密协议。Collusion in judicial proceedings is a secret agreement.

对船舶碰撞力在排架上的分配进行了讨论。The distribution of the collusion force on the bents is discussed.

但是我也认为,暴政需要帮凶才能成事。I do think, however, that tyranny requires an environment of collusion.

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竞买人之间恶意串通的,拍卖无效。Article 41 Malicious collusion between bidders makes the auction invalid.

狼狈为奸这个成语比喻坏人互相勾结起来干坏事。This idiom is used to describe doing evil things in collusion with others.

我们坚决反对「官商勾结」。We are resolutely against "collusion between business and the Government".

警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers.

用通俗的话讲,他们那天的所作所为,绝对可以被称为串谋。In layman's terms, what they were doing can definitely be considered collusion.

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张某交待了和开锁匠串通,制造的8起入室盗窃案。Zhang confessed that and open collusion locksmith, made from burglary, theft 8.

结果就会造成力量与权力的勾结,导致目前的状况。The result is collusion of power and capital, which has led to the current situation.

英国共谋此次破坏行动,这种丑行的恶劣影响将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。British collusion in such destruction is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict.

政府似乎须要更加积极面对利益输送和平等机会的问题。Collusion and equal opportunity have become issues which the government must face head-on.

这些工具股利CFC将重心从市场力转向暗中勾结。These tools encouraged the CFC to shift its focus from abuse of market power to collusion.

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从博奕分析角度对港口合作条件进行了研究。This paper explored the determinants of the port collusion by constructing two game models.

该模型是t-安全的,具有匿名性,在一定程度上避免协同主体相互串通。The model is t-secure, and the anonymity can avoid subjects' mutual collusion to some extent.

意识形态上如此互为仇敌的双方竟安适地串通一气,我们谈论这个很重要吗?Is it important that we talk about this comfortable collusion between such ideological enemies?