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我是艾丽丝·威廉姆斯。I'm Alice Williams.

Williams被难住了。Williams was stumped.

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韦恩•威廉姆斯去睡觉了。Vern Williams went to sleep.

大威一直在跑。And Williams has been running.


立威廉是个好心的艺人。Leon Williams is a kind artiste.

这是我的同事鲍伯·威廉姆斯。This is my colleague, Bob Williams.

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这是我的同事鲍伯•威廉姆斯。This is my colleague, Bob Williams.

我更倾向赞同Williams的观点。I'm inclined to agree with Williams.

我要拜访来自美国电话电报公司的威廉姆斯先生。I'm to visit Mr. Williams from AT & T.

隔壁住的是奈德和爱丽丝.威廉姆斯一家。Next door were Ned and Alice Williams.

坎特伯雷大主教罗文·威廉斯说道。Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams

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威廉斯插入了许多伪造的素材。Williams interpolated much spurious matter.

很高兴认识你!我叫乔治威廉姆斯.Nice to meet you too! I am George. Williams.

大威则陷入了麻烦。And Venus Williams looks in a lot of trouble.

我们到了越秀公园啦,威廉斯先生。Here we are in the Yuexiu Park, Mr. Williams.

建校之处只设男校,男女教育是从1970年开始的。Co-education at Williams College began in 1970.

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建校之处只设男校,男女共同教育是从1970年开始的。Co-education at Williams College began in 1970.

Williams先生面对冲突,毫不退让。Mr Williams does not shrink from confrontation.

我正在试着联系威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯先生。I'm trying to reach Mr. William Carlos Williams.