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猫无法从色氨酸中合成足够的烟酸。The cat cannot synthesise sufficient nicotinic acid from tryptophan.

但是,也可以让电脑从零开始合成某种声音。However, it is also possible to program the computer to synthesise such sounds from scratch.

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接下来,在此等压强下,研究人员需要将客分子抽成真空,以合成此冰。With these levels of pressure, you could synthesise the ice by vacuuming out the guest molecules.

富含氨基酸的牛奶制品帮助我们的大脑合成血清素——一种促进平静和快乐的天然化学物。Rich in tryptophan, milk products help our brain synthesise serotonin, a natural chemical that induces calm and happiness.

这种名为“喝彩”的玫瑰,是通过转基因技术合成色素而成。这种名为花翠素的色素存在于蓝色鲜花里。Named "Applause" the rose is created using genetic modification to synthesise a pigment found in blue flowers know as delphinidin.

但更上层楼的成本是昂贵的,需要一个能够综合行业、国家和个股分析的研究平台。But going the extra mile is expensive, requiring a research platform that can synthesise industry, country and stock-specific analysis.

猫合成牛磺酸的能力比犬低,膳食中提供的含硫氨基酸无法满足其自身对蛋白质的需求。The cat has a lower capacity to synthesise taurine than the dog and cannot meet its taurine requirement from dietary sulphur-containing amino acids.

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Keasling的项目是通过生物的方法来低成本合成一个还没有化学家能够合成的抗疟疾药物——青蒿素。Dr Keasling's project is to do biologically what no chemist has yet managed to accomplish—to synthesise an antimalarial drug called artemisinin cheaply.

当皮肤色素沉着增多,所以需要暴露于阳光下紫外线B辐射的足够时间以合成足够数量的维生素D。As skin pigmentation increases, so does the period of exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight needed to synthesise adequate amounts of vitamin D.

恩斯特•海克尔特别热心,意欲在反映永恒自然法则论的同时,综合达尔文的想法与拉马克、歌德的想法。Ernst Haeckel was particularly ardent, aiming to synthesise Darwin's ideas with those of Lamarck and Goethe while still reflecting the spirit of Naturphilosophie.

该系统采用波形编辑合成方式,在普通的微机上无需添加或改动任何硬件即可合成出可懂度和清晰度都较好的汉语语音。The system is on the basis of waveform edit synthesis, and it can synthesise distinct and intelligible Chinese speech without any hardware addition or change on microcomputer.

12世纪时类似安瑟伦这样的经院哲学家们将柏拉图和亚里士多德的著作再度挖掘解读,意图将古希腊思想与中世纪理论相结合。By the 12th century the works of Plato and Aristotle had been rediscovered and reinterpreted by the scholastics who attempted to synthesise early Greek ideas with medieval theology.

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通过用这些计算机增强脑电波仪,科学家能辨别和独立出大脑“低幅”的情绪信号串”,综合它们并将他们存储在另一台电脑中。By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature clusters", synthesise them and store tbm on another computer.

通过用这些计算机增强脑电波仪,科学家能辨别和独立出大脑“低幅”的情绪信号串”,综合它们并将他们存储在另一台电脑中。By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature clusters", synthesise them and store them on another computer.

生态建筑是一个系统的“可行性”建筑理论及实践体系,生态建筑设计应是节能技术、覆土建筑与地域文化等各种成分的合成。Ecological Architecture is one system of feasible theory and practice. Ecological Architecture Design ought to be synthesise of Low-energy Tech, Soil-covered Architecture and local culture, etc.

尾矿压滤技术结合高压新水冲洗的尾矿综合处理技术,在我国的黄金生产过程中有极大的推广价值和前景。The pressure filtration technique of gold tailings is a synthesise technique uniting pressure flush of new water. It has huge popularization value and foreground in the production of gold in China.