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现在坐吧。Now sit.

你现在走开!Now scram!

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直到现在。Until now.

现在就赶紧去买这张CD吧。Buy it. Now.

拜拜了。Bye-bye now.

但是现在起将会备受瞩目。It will now.

现在要像个男子汉。Be a man now.

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现在关在关塔那摩监狱。Now in Gitmo.

我就能这么说了I can now say.

还是让我来试试吧。Now lemme try.

现在做扩胸动作。Now the chest.

来,再试一次。Now try again.

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你又在笑了。Now you laugh.

是的,刚刚点过。Yes, Just now.

现在请别哭了。don’t cry now.

我刚醒。I am awake now.

我现在记起来了。I remember now.

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现在我可以煮菜了。Now I can cook.

现在我上勾了。Now I'm hooked.

现在是低音部Now the basses.