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验证邮政区码。Validate the ZIP code.

你认可你自己。You validate yourself.

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那么验证什么呢?So what do you validate for?

现在再次验证您的站点。Now go validate your site again.

请坛友验证。Please Friends validate the altar.

检验命名标准的依从性Validate naming standard compliance

这些结果可以证实他的理论吗?Do these results validate his theory?

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用解析器验证枚举列表。Validate enumerations with the parser.

更新文档时对其进行验证。Validate the document when you update it.

布郎先生试图证明他的批评是有道理的。Mr. Brown tried to validate his criticisms.

我在甚至建立与忽略隐藏属性验证程序如。Validate the form once the defaults are set.

验证手机结构密闭性。Validate the frame obturation of the handset.

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戏剧结局似乎认可安蒂冈妮的作法。The play ends by seeming to validate Antigone.

讲出你的事情原由就足以表明你的感受。Telling your story will validate your feelings.

充分验证了墙角放钱能够招财的说法。Validate the corner to put the money to fortune.

对于消费者顾客,验证信用卡。For consumer customers, validate the credit card.

索赔须有证明文件方能有效。Documentary evidence is required to validate the claim.

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例如,它可以验证或通知外部系统。For instance, it can validate or notify external systems.

这将验证文件并帮助您发现错误。That will validate your file and help you find any errors.

校验文本值和管理网络会话的操作Actions to validate text values and manage network sessions