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油炸面团是甜甜圈的前身。The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

我的前辈安德鲁·卡尔德更守纪律。my predecessor Andrew Card was much disciplined.

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这就是暴风影音的前身。The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.

前身是中国人民解放军总装备部。Is the predecessor of the PLA General Armament Department.

这个后来成为WMO执行理事会的前身机构由此问世。Thus was born the predecessor of our WMO Executive Council.

通常情况下,每个修订有一个前身,即父修订。Typically, each revision has a single predecessor or parent.

大陆拒绝与马英九亲独立的前任打交道。China refused to deal with Ma's pro-independence predecessor.

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被申请人的前身为MZ学校。Facts and Reasons. The predecessor of Respondent is MZ School.

作为一名教练,他远不能与他的前任相比。As a coach , he is not in the same street with his predecessor.

嗯,比如,宗教裁判所可不可以是现代极权主义的真正前身呢?Could the Inquisition be a real predecessor of modern totalitarianism?

罗纳德是在他的前任突然离职后被任用的。Ronard's appointment followed the abrupt departure of his predecessor.

前身是北京市木材厂活动房屋分厂。Its predecessor is Beijing Timber Plant's dismountable house subsidiary.

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另一方面,就像他的前任布什总统所说,奥巴马先生是决定者。On the other hand, Mr. Obama is, as his predecessor put it, the decider.

这个过程是迭代的,每次循环都比前一个要快。The process is iterative, and each cycle is faster than its predecessor.

谢天谢地,新总理不象他的前任那样好战。Thank goodness the new premier is not as trigger-happy as his predecessor.

这种现代化的核心家庭是较之前身更特殊的单位。The modern nuclear family is a more specialized unit than its predecessor.

但是这个新纪元必须不能重复或延长其前任的错误。But this new era must not repeat or prolong the mistakes of its predecessor.

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我与前任留给我的人力资源主管之间存在着一些问题。I have a problem with my HR director, who I inherited from my predecessor.

每一个开创者都希望能比前朝在治理国家方面做得很出色。Every founder wanted to do better than his predecessor in ruling the country.

一个步骤会发出信号给上家说需要更多原料的方法。A method where a process signals its predecessor that more material is needed.