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姚伦,扬州大都督府参军。诗二首。Yao Lun, Yangzhou Grand Military enlistment. Two Poems.

在大学毕业后,阿甘又应征入伍去了越南。After graduating from college, forrest gump and enlistment to Vietnam.

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他很有可能会因视力不好而被拒绝入伍。He might refuse to join in the enlistment because he has nearsightedness.

实际上,南北双方的军队都禁止招募女性。Both the Union and Confederate armies actually forbade the enlistment of women.

现行的征兵标准也把IQ低于85的个人排除在外。Current military enlistment standards exclude any individual whose IQ is below about 85.

并且,历时五年多的艰难行伍生涯开启了他的生命意识。And the lasted more than five years of difficult enlistment opened his life consciousness.

当他一年的服役期结束时,他去了亚拉巴马州,尝试着做铁匠,但是又失败了。When his one year enlistment was up he headed for Alabama, tried blacksmithing and failed.

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空调到了服役年龄后,用户就要及时的更换。The air condition is to the back of the enlistment age, consumer will the seasonable replace.

在喀布尔的美国大使馆的入伍仪式上,一名海军正在国防部长前宣布就职。A marine is sworn in by the Defense Secretary during an enlistment at the American Embassy in Kabul.

如果一切顺利的话,再过10周他就会成为一名校尉,服四年兵役。If all had gone well, he would have emerged in 10 weeks as a second lieutenant, committed to a four-year enlistment.

在其父母的共同申请下的男性儿童被授予永久居民身份的需要被纳入征兵法。Male children who are granted PR status under their parents' sponsorship are liable for NS under the Enlistment Act.

征兵工作结束后,我选择了退役,回到了家乡Hunter,然后去了一家理发学校。When my enlistment was up, I chose to get out of the service and return to my home in Hunter and go to barber school.

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他们宣誓入伍后,费舍尔将前往本宁堡开始他的军旅生活。They took the oath of enlistment and, later that day, Fisher would travel to Fort Benning, where his new life in the Army began.

参军后的第二天他就想逃离服兵役,但在和一位军官交谈后费舍尔改变了想法。Though he later had a change of heart after speaking with a commander, he saw a possibility to escape his enlistment only two days in.

增加征兵数量,中国人民解放军最近放宽了入伍规则。The People’s Liberation Army has recently relaxed the rules for enlistment in a drive to improve the Chinese military’s recruiting numbers.

军户制本身以及清军、勾军被抓的壮丁和战争及勾军产生的大量逃兵,也都以不同形式成了某地的移民。Lifelong enlistment system and the soldiers arrested and escaped in the war or arresting activities in some way formed the local inhabitants.

征募和雇佣童军并且将他们投入武装冲突当中等于是给社会留下了残酷的、引起道德灾难的战争遗产。The conscription, enlistment and active use of children in armed conflict represents one of the most brutal and morally troubling legacies of war.

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奴儿干都司是明朝初年设置于东北黑龙江地区的一个以招抚为主要职能的机构。Nurgandos-the provincial garrison in Heilongjian Region in the Ming Dynasty-was set up with the functions of offering amnesty and enlistment to rebels.

参军后的第二天他就想逃离服兵役,但在和一位军官交谈后费舍尔改变了想法。On June 20, 2007. Though he later had a change of heart after speaking with a commander, he saw a possibility to escape his enlistment only two days in.

锚雷在战斗服役期内处于系留锚泊状态,由于受海流、海浪等特殊环境的影响,作不规则的运动。In fight enlistment period, mooring mine is on mooring state and making the irregular movement due to the influence of ocean current and ocean wave and so on.