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刀是用来削东西的。Knives are employed to cut stuffs.

他们雇用他为垂问。They employed him as a consultant.

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简受雇做一名监狱守卫。Jane is employed as a prison guard.

这是鲍勃·派斯利所使用的一种策略。It was a tactic Bob Paisley employed.

职业是货车运输经理。He was employed as a trucking manager.

那是当他雇罗伊霍奇森。That was when he employed Roy Hodgson.

这是你们经常要用到的东西。There is something you perhaps employed.

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合法斗争方式也是必须采用的。A legal struggle should also be employed.

刘有着两个孩子而自身无业。Liu has two children but is not employed.

他们延聘他顾问婴儿。They employed him to look after the baby.

拍这个场面雇用了两个替角。Two doubles were employed for this scene.

小犬受雇于一间电气公司。My son is employed in an electric company.

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在以后几年进行间伐。Tree thinning was employed in later years.

我们能亲眼到那些雇来修桥的工人。We can see the men employed on the bridge.

求先生由一九八八年起受聘于本公司。Mr. Kau has been employed by us since 1988.

你受雇做这个工作有多久了?How long have you been employed at this job?

目前我为坎培克斯公司工作。At the moment I'm employed by Cambex Company.

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有工作的人平均得分是75.1。Employed people had an average score of 75.1.

是否续聘受聘人?。Will you continue hiring the employed person?

本例中没有使用占位符。In this example, no placeholders are employed.