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好的,他们叫他尼莫。Well, they named him Nemo.

来啊,尼莫你能游多远?Come on, Nemo. How far can you go?

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嘿,再说一遍,你们刚才说什么尼莫。Hey, say that again! Something about Nemo.

我在说什么?尼莫在哪里?What am I talking about? Nemo? Where's Nemo?

然后他把海底总动员和许多鱼类的一个大罐。Then he put Nemo and many fish to a big tank.

嘿!我找到他老爸了,尼莫在哪里?Hey! I found his dad! Where's Nemo? where is dentist?

里的角色是最缤纷多彩的。The characters in Finding Nemo were the most colorful.

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嘿,嘿,嘿,再说一遍!你刚才在说关于尼莫的事。Hey, Hey, Hey, say that again! You did say something about Nemo.

尼莫船长有一艘名叫纳提路斯号的潜艇,他趁着这艘潜艇去探索海底世界。Captain Nemo had a fantastic submarine Called the Nautilus in which he explored the deep sea.

他们被带到甲板上,尼莫船长决定不杀他们但是要他们做永远的客人。They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but make them his permanent guests.

但尼摩船长说他老了,马上就要死了,也不想走了。However, Captain Nemo said he was getting old and soon going to die, but also pretty much the same in.

他们被带到了艇上。尼莫船长决定不杀死他们而是使他们成为他永久的客人。They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests.

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我们首先应用缺失突变和酵母双杂交试验将NEMO的二聚化域确定于251-419残基。The dimerization domain of NEMO was mapped to residues 251-419 by deletion and yeast two-hybrid analyses.

它拥有4倍到9倍的基础放大功能,需要放大的内容会呈现在一个4英寸的液晶显示屏上。The Nemo Magnifier provides a basic magnification of 4.5 to 9x, which displays on 4″ LCD anti glare screen.

比利时某休闲潜水中心有着世界上最深的游泳池。Nemo 33, a recreational scuba diving center in Uccle, Belgium is home to the deepest diving pool in the world.

有一天尼莫被人类抓走了,当爸爸的马林非常担心,于是冒著远渡重洋的危险去救尼莫。One day Nemo is caught by humans. Marlin, Nemo's father, is so worried that he risks crossing the sea to save Nemo.

他们也发现会游泳的海参、一只长得很像小丑鱼「尼莫」的橘色小鱼,还有头上长了触角的蠕虫。They also found a swimming sea cucumber, a Nemo -like orange fish and a worm with tentacles sprouting from its head.

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他们穿着潜水服行走在这神奇的世界里,船上的灯为他们照明,他们发现周围是五彩缤纷的岩石,鱼儿,贝类以及水草。Dressed in diving suits, Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.

他们穿着潜水服行走在这奇异的世界里。船上的灯光为他们提供照明。Dressed in diving suits. Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magic world. lighted by the lamps of the ships.

身着潜水服,尼莫船长和他的客人们在这个神奇的世界中漫步,船上的灯光照亮了这个世界。Dressed in diving suits, Captain Nemo and his guests walk around in this magical world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.