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响铃痛苦或难受。Bell pain or discomfort.

一种很奇怪的不适感。A very strange type of discomfort.

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预计会有一段时间的不适。Expect a period of some discomfort.

这名囚犯痛苦地扭动身体。The prisoner writhed in discomfort.

我没工夫理会他的不安。I don't have time for his discomfort.

但是我们对此会感到有一些不快But we have some discomfort with that.

这种药可减轻你的病痛.This drug will relieve your discomfort.

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尴尬的问题会使人感到不安。Embarrassing questions cause discomfort.

缓解颈椎不适的穴位是风池穴。Cervical ease discomfort Fengchi Points is.

我感觉上腹隐约不适。I feel vague discomfort in the upper belly.

有时可出现心前区不适。Sometimes there may be precordial discomfort.

所有患者均无明显腹部不适症状。No patients complained of abdominal discomfort.

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感冒中胸部会有轻中度不适。Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.

对有些女性而言,这种不舒服感仅仅是让人有点烦。For some women, the discomfort is merely annoying.

当她因为痛苦尖叫的时候,我一点也不惊讶。I did not wonder, at her exclamations of discomfort.

在他们心目中,努力是不适的同义词。In their minds, effort is synonymous with discomfort.

旅行中总要忍受一点不便。One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling.

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一般来说恢复是很快的,仅有轻微的不适感。Recovery is usually quick, with only mild discomfort.

手术后的不舒服感觉一般是轻度或中度的。Post-operative discomfort is usually mild to moderate.

手术几天之后,所有的不适感都应该消失。After a couple of days, all discomfort should disappear.