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泥巴,困在没有生气的肉体中,困在物质中。Mud,entrapped in a dead body,trapped in materiality.

估计审计重要性水平影响审计成本。Estimated auditing materiality level affects auditing cost.

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他的建筑让人印象最深的地方是他的建筑的实体。The first impression of his architecture is its materiality.

会计师需要在实践中来判断重要性。Accountants are required to judge the materiality in accounting practice.

你能给出最多的就是爱,它远超过你能给出的物质。The most you can give is your love. It is greater than giving materiality.

论文首先强调了薪酬分配的重要性。The thesis emphasizes the materiality of the compensation allocation first.

有些文献里认为肤浅的物质性不仅是暂时的,而且是坏的,罪恶的。Gross materiality is not only temporary in some texts but even bad,it's evil.

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重要性是用来评价未取得该目标所带来的影响程度。Materiality is an assessment of the significance of a failure to achieve the objective.

但工作的人的确很容易出错,其原因在于所作的事情总有它的具体性。People at working are easy to make mistakes because thing has its own detail materiality.

企业赖以生存和发展的核心价值正由有形资产向无形资产演变。The kernel value on which enterprises rely is changing from materiality to immateriality.

这是浪潮在发布翔龙计划后的实质性动作。This is tide is being released circle in the air the materiality movement after dragon plans.

我们把物质性和优雅的事物结合在一起,没有隐藏建筑现有的素净。We combined materiality and beautiful objects without hiding the existing rawness of the building.

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但是,网络审计的出现对审计的重要性提出了全新的挑战。But the appearance of network auditing put forward the brand-new challenge to the audit materiality.

我活得很开心,我不管我们能不能将意识,简化为模仿的物质性。I'm happy to live in ignorance whether we will be able to reduce consciousness to modeling materiality.

然而,要确定一个经济事项是否具有重要性,并没有明确规定的标准可供借鉴。However, to determine whether the materiality of a transaction is or not, no precise criteria can be formulated.

活着-死去是有形向无形的转换,存在的-质并没有改变。To live—to die is a transformation from materiality to intangibility while the essence of an entity never changes.

仲裁庭应决定所提供证据是否可以采纳、是否关联、是否重要及其可信度。The arbitral tribunal shall determine the admissibility, relevance, materiality and weight of the evidence offered.

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笔者总结出内幕信息界定标准的四个要件为相关性、非公开、重大性和明确性。The author summarizes four elements to define insider information which are"relevance", "non-public", "materiality"and"specific".

工程项目管理服务的标准化是可以实现的。工程项目管理的信息是工程项目管理服务有形化的最佳途径。The information of project and project management is the best proper way to actualize the materiality of project management service.

偶像崇拜有有形与无形、显性与隐性、真实与虚假等不同类型。Icon worship has different types of materiality and immateriality, of dominance and recessiveness, and of truthfulness and falsehood.