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然而,即使再微小的证据,这在科学上也是极其诱人的。But even the slimmest of evidence makes this scientifically tantalising.

但是总会有一些似有若无的暗示表明优步希望继续采用这样的机制。There are tantalising hints that Uber hopes to follow this logic to its conclusion.

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在类似地球的星球上发现海洋将意味着那里存在生命的可能。Detecting water on Earth-like planets offers the tantalising prospect they could sustain life.

这一点让欧洲感到支持地中海联盟迫在眉睫-当然另外还有一个重要原因,那就是它现在危险重重。This offers a tantalising prospect-though one reason why Club Med matters is that it is fraught with dangers.

很少有民众能够真正接近他们的统治者,但是这样做的效果还是很吸引人的。Few subjects will ever come truly close to their sovereigns. But the impression of doing so remains tantalising.

我们看到了更多引人入胜的熊爪印,它们的大脚掌在浮冰上行进。More tantalising bear prints were spotted, crimping the edge of pack ice, making their big-footed way across a small floe.

这一观点似乎与近年来在非洲和中东地区的一些吸引人的发现相符合。The idea would seem to fit with a few tantalising finds that have emerged from Africa and the Middle East over recent years.

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上周该剧第四季隆重回归,我们奉上一系列诱人的珍品,来看看这个纹身下的男人究竟是什么样儿的。As the US drama returns for a fourth season last week, we serve up a few tantalising titbits about the man behind the tattoos.

在阿姆斯特丹,姑娘们都站在窗后,光芒四射柔情撩人宛如水族馆玻璃背后脉脉含情的热带鱼。In Amsterdam the girls all stand in the windows shimmering as tantalising as tropical fish beyond the gleam of aquarium glass.

上周该剧第四季隆重回归,我们奉上一系列诱人的珍品,来看看这个纹身下的男人究竟是什么样儿的。As the US drama returns for a fourth season last week, we serve up a few tantalising titbits about the man behind the tattoos.

哈利被推进了他不曾料想的可怕境地,而纳威只是“曾经可能的人”。Harry is propelled into a terrifying position he might never have sought, while Neville remains the tantalising 'might-have-been'.

食物研究人员认为,最诱人的熏肉三明治是在两片厚厚的白面包中夹着稍微肥腻的烧烤式熏肉。According to the food boffins, the most tantalising variety involves slightly fatty, grilled bacon between two thick slices of white bread.

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上个月在联赛杯客场击败利兹的比赛中首次亮相的伯格巴希望自己能得到更多出场机会。Paul Pogba is hoping for more chances to prove himself after his tantalising taste of the first team in last month's Carling Cup defeat of Leeds.

含诱人野生石榴成分的无皂洁肤啫喱。带给你的皮肤丰富的泡沫、洁净、清新、柔软、和雅致的香味。A soap-free, non-drying cleansing gel with tantalising wild cherry. Lathers to leave your skin feeling cleansed, refreshed, soft and subtly scented.

他补充说,“这种行为很有可能在一到两个季度内在我们眼前扩散,这样我们就可以跟踪扩散的过程了。”It is a tantalising possibility that this behavior could spread before our very eyes -- over a field season or two -- and that we could track that spread.

现在,有一项研究首次提供振奋人心的证据,证明有望建立一个在一些大地震发生前一个小时左右发出警告的系统。Now, for the first time, one study offers tantalising evidence that it may be possible to build such a system to warn of some impending large quakes about an hour before they strike.

“研究人员尚没有研究同性恋的进化结果,不过我们已经找到了一些或许值得进行尝试的诱人例子,”贝利说。"Researchers have not studied the evolutionary consequences of same-sex behaviour, but we found some tantalising examples that suggest it might be worthwhile to do so, " says Bailey.