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都怪古代的天文学家想象力“泛滥成灾”。Blame ancient stargazers with overactive imaginations.

如果你的甲状腺过于活跃或运动不足,你的头发可能会掉下来。If your thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, your hair may fall out.

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大多数时候,他只是把它当成想象力过于活跃的怪念头而驱散。Mostly, Arcturus would dismiss the dreams as whims of an overactive imagination.

患有躁狂症既兴奋、过分善于交谈豪放、过分紧张。Those with mania are excited, over-talkative, uninhibited and intensely overactive.

例如甲状腺过度活跃或活性不足、缺铁等。An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can cause hair loss. So can iron deficiency.

药物所谓抗胆碱药物的管理工作,用于治疗膀胱过动症。Drugs called Anticholinergics are administered for the treatment of overactive bladder.

尿路病症比如膀胱过动症可以通过凯格尔健肌运动得到改善。Urinary tract problems, such as an overactive bladder, can be helped with Kegel exercises.

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ECP是设计用来调控过度活化免疫细胞的一种治疗手段。ECP is a therapeutic procedure designed to regulate the activity of overactive immune cells.

我闭上眼睛,双手握在一起,试着让自己过于活跃的头脑冷静点。I closed my eyes and placed my hands together, trying to make peace with my overactive mind.

在城市参与者的大脑中,还有一个叫做扣带皮层的区域也异常活跃。Another region called the cingulate cortex was overactive in participants who were born in cities.

这些策略会对反应过度的政府造成冲击,但是近来的发现表明这些措施是有效的。Such strategies may smack of overactive government, but recent findings suggest these measures work.

电调节技术作为抑制逼尿肌过度活动的有效治疗手段,在临床上已获得较普遍的认同。Neuromodulation, as a kind of way to suppress overactive detrusor, supposes to be an effective method.

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而且,没有患者有提示甲状腺活化不足或过度激活的任何体征或症状。That is, none of the patients had any signs or symptoms of an underactive or overactive thyroid gland.

当城市居民在处于压力的状态时,他们大脑中感知危险的区域就会变得异常活跃。The part of the brain that senses danger becomes overactive in city-dwellers when they are under stress

我的想象力活跃而天真,在我看来树枝的每一声响动都来自死去士兵的亡灵。In my overactive and puerile imagination, every crack of a branch was made by the ghost of some dead soldier.

目的观察骶神经电刺激治疗女性膀胱过度活动症的疗效。Objectives To assess the efficacy of electric sacral neuromodulation in patients with female overactive bladder.

医生称把这种病为突眼症,眼睛突出是格雷夫氏病的普遍症状,也称为甲状腺功能亢进症。Doctors call this condition exophthalmos, and it's a common sign of Grave's disease, a. k. a. overactive thyroid.

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甲状腺分泌失调是另外一个原因,无论是甲状腺功能亢进还是减退,它都可能导致头发脱落。A thyroid disorder is another reason, whether you have an overactive or underactive thyroid, it can lead to hair loss.

过敏是在接触到了类似于花粉、霉菌、灰尘或者宠物毛屑等过敏原的时候免疫系统作出的过激反应造成的。Allergies are caused by an overactive immune system responding to an allergen such as pollen, mold, dust or pet dander.

检测毛发的性质及日常出现的病变,如毛囊堵塞、油脂分泌过盛……Checking follicular property and frequent pathological change such as pore obstruction, overactive secretion of sebum etc.