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所有迹象表明钱宁弗莱这个赛季会是个黑马。All systems are go for Channing Frye as a fantasy sleeper this season.

联邦证据规则虽然没有明确批判Frye规则,但是它们采纳了一种更加宽容的方法。While not explicitly repudiating the Frye rule, the Federal Rules adopt a more permissive approach.

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计算洛佩斯保持健康,弗莱也可能得到这个位置,因为他表现的是在太好了。Even if Lopez was healthy, Frye would probably win the job anyway because he has been playing so well.

面对希尔和弗莱,科比祭出一记22英尺的跳投,皮球应声入网。With Grant Hill and Channing Frye in front of him, he launched a 22-foot jumper that somehow found the net.

有报道称,太阳的钱宁-弗莱和尼克斯队的达尼罗-加里纳利已获邀请。There have been reports that Channing Frye of the Suns and Danilo Gallinari of the Knicks have been invited.

由Frye博士领导的二级分析,将注意力集中在44名在使用抗抑郁药后TEM发作的患者。The secondary analysis led by Dr. Frye focused on 44 patients who experienced TEM after starting an antidepressant.

如果菲尔普斯被考虑在相关科学界的范围之内——实际上她就是——那么大脑扫描作为证据通过弗莱标准的门槛可能会比较困难。If Phelps is considered to be in the relevant scientific community —and she is —slipping past Frye may be difficult.

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哥召开会议,争议的问题是dna鉴定之前血液类型的方法论问题。The mother of all Frye hearings took place in San Diego in 1987. At issue was the methodology of pre-DNA blood typing.

弗莱处于诸多文化因素构成的文化“场”中,这促使他成为了文化批评家。The cultural "field", constituted with various cultural elements, in which Frye is situated, makes him a culture critic.

诺思洛普•弗莱是20世纪加拿大也是西方著名文学理论家和文化批评家。Northrop Frye is a distinguished literary theorist and culture critic both in Canada and in the West in the 20th century.

两场季前赛里,他平均每场得到14.5分,排名太阳第一,而且在每场比赛里都投中了两个三分。Through two preseason games, Frye is leading the Suns with 14.5 points per game and has also hit two three-pointers in each contest.

诺思洛普·弗莱是20世纪加拿大也是西方著名美学家、文学理论家和文化批评家。Northrop Frye is an outstanding aesthetician , a literary theorist and a cultural critic in the 20th century Canada and Western world.

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纳什贡献13次助攻、小斯得到23分,但是其他主将弗莱和杜德利加起来三分球也只有12中2。Steve Nash managed 13 assists and Amar'e Stoudemire 23 points, but subs Channing Frye and Jared Dudley made just 2-of-12 combined threes.

高中生布伦丹?弗莱伊原是一个独行其是者,直到有一天他的前女友艾米丽联系到他并于随后失踪。High school student Brendan Frye is an outsider, until the day that his ex-girlfriend, Emily, reaches out to him unexpectedly and then vanishes.

“我们发现有些许躁狂症状或“混有抑郁”表现的患者有着极高的风险经历TEM”Frye博士说。“We found that people who had minimal manic symptoms or a “mixed depression” presentation were at greatest risk for experiencing TEM, ” says Dr. Frye.

不要指望他能帮助太阳抢到更多的篮板,但是凭借着他新练就的精准的外围三分,他会是个很好的二号中锋。Don't expect Frye to be a big help in the rebound column, but with his newly added downtown three-point accuracy, he should be a nice number two center.

布朗指责他非常信任的新人技术统计不好,包括内特罗宾逊,钱宁菲尔,和二年级新生杰克巴特勒。Brown blames the putrid record on his heavy reliance on young players, such as rookies Nate Robinson and Channing Frye and second-year man Jackie Butler.

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面对当代文化矛盾,弗莱提倡文化多元主义、文化的非中心化,反对文化后殖民。To resolve the contemporary cultural conflicts, Frye suggests cultural pluralism and decentralization of culture, while opposes post-colonialist culture.

最后就当代童话创作向口头传统时代回归的倾向与弗莱的“文学史的循环”理论达成一致。At last, for inclination of modern fairy tale creation come back the traditional speak period have a same theories of Northrop · Frye "Cycle of literature".

Frye博士说,虽然治疗诱发的躁狂不常见,但它却有显著的后果,比如出现一些行为使得需要住院治疗甚至监禁。While treatment-emergent mania is infrequent, it can have striking consequences, such as behaviors that lead to hospitalization or even imprisonment, Dr. Frye said.