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呵呵,现在并没有动呢。这还只是一个小小的胚胎吧。Hmf hmf, it's not moving yet. It's still just an itty bitty embryo.

一旦制成羟甲基糠醛后,进一步将其转化成塑料或柴油燃料就会相当容易。Once made, HMF is fairly easy to convert into plastics or diesel fuel.

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HMF是在热处理后产生,特别是灌装后巴氏杀菌。HMF was produced after heating, especially in pasteurizing after filling.

这种尚未申请专利的羟甲基糠醛新方法,平衡了化学、压力、温度以及反应堆设计各方面考虑。The new, patent-pending method for making HMF is a balancing act of chemistry, pressure, temperature and reactor design.

方法采用比色法对蜂蜜在不同加热温度和加热时间下HMF含量变化进行测定。Methods Colorimetry was used to evaluate the HMF contents of honeys in different heating temperature and heating duration.

羟甲基糠醛能够被转化成为塑料、柴油燃料添加物、甚至柴油燃料本身,但是因为其制造成本很高,所以很少应用。HMF can be converted into plastics, diesel-fuel additive, or even diesel fuel itself, but is seldom used because it is costly to make.

杜米斯克还在研究其它方法,试图将其它糖份甚至复杂的碳水化合物转化成羟甲基糠醛或其它化学中间体。Dumesic is also exploring methods to convert other sugars and even more complex carbohydrates into HMF and other chemical intermediates.

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当利用催化剂将果糖转化成为羟甲基糠醛后,羟甲基糠醛会被置于一种溶剂中并被传送到一个单独的空间,以便随后进行提取。After a catalyst converts fructose into HMF, the HMF moves to a solvent that carries it to a separate location, where the HMF is extracted.

结论要使蜂蜜中HMF含量符合标准,热加工处理温度应低于80℃。Conclusion To accord with standards for the HMF content in commercial honey, the heat processing temperature should be controlled within 80℃.

根据脉宽的不同,强磁场可以分为稳态强磁场和脉冲强磁场,对应的发生装置分别为稳态强磁体和脉冲强磁体。Differing in the pulse width, HMF can be classified as steady-state one and pulsed one, which are generated by steady-state magnet and pulsed magnet, respectively.

尤本·切德塔,羟甲基糠醛研究计划中的第二位研究生,认为这一加工方法仅仅是发现替代石油化学制品的原料来源所带来的众多优点中的一小部分。Juben N. Chheda, a second graduate student working on the HMF project, sees the work as part of an explosion of interest in finding alternative sources for petroleum-based chemicals.

虽然其他研究者之前曾经将果糖转化成为羟甲基糠醛,但是杜米斯克的研究小组进行了一系列改进,提高了羟甲基糠醛的产出量,并且其中提取过程更加简单。Although other researchers had previously converted fructose into HMF, Dumesic's research group made a series of improvements that raised the HMF output, and also made the HMF easier to extract.