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仙女座议会代表Tolec表示Andromeda Council representative Tolec states

双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda.

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我们的星系刻正移向与仙女座星系碰撞之途。A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Andromeda and Auriga.

仙女座号探测到有成百上千的机械部件在那个区域。Andromeda detected hundreds of thousands of machine parts in the area.

安多米达说唐克斯出生第一天头发就开始变色。Andromeda says Tonks's hair started changing color the day that she was born.

一条假想的线贯穿这两颗星并指向仙女座星系。An imaginary line drawn through these two stars points to the Andromeda galaxy.

例如,梅西耶天体M1是蟹状星云,而M31是仙女座星系。For example, Messier object M1 is the CRAB NEBULA and M31 is the ANDROMEDA GALAXY.

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仙女座星系和银河星系的黑洞都微弱的难以置信。"The black holes in both Andromeda and the Milky Way are incredibly feeble, " Zhiyuan Li said.

现在,这个疑问的答案可能可以与仙女座星系中央满布星星的盘片联系起来。Now it seems the answer could be connected to a starry disc at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy.

这样就会有足够的时间想出计划来迎接不可避免的仙女座星系在45亿年后的撞击。That should give enough time to figure out a plan for the inevitable Andromeda galaxy collision in 4.

仙女座大星的直径超过二十万光年,大小约是我们银河系的二倍。More than twice the size of our own Milky Way, the Andromeda Galaxy is over 200,000 light-years across.

仙座星云M31,间隔地球大约两百五十万光年。当然它位于仙座。The Andromeda galaxy M31, which is about . 5 million light years from Earth in the constellation Andromeda.

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系统变得非常直观,一会儿和仙女座包括一个示例来帮助你开始。The system becomes very intuitive after a while and Andromeda includes a quickstart to help you get started.

对银河系和仙女座星云来说,它们并不构成与所有其他星系完全孤立的一对星系。For the galaxy and the andromeda nubula, they do not form a pair of galaxies completely isolated from all others.

我们也有很多来自仙女座和其他星球上的存有存在于你们当中,所以我们的观点也包括他们的印象和见解。We also have many from Andromeda and others who walk among you, so our observations include their impressions and insights.

连线奎宿九和丝带上方位置两倍距离,就完全定位到了仙女座星系。Draw a line from Mirach through the upper streamer star, and go twice the distance. You've just located the Andromeda galaxy!

天马广场是找寻仙女座星系的重要起点,仙女座星系又被天文学家们称为M31。The Square of Pegasus is a great jumping off point for finding the famous Andromeda galaxy, also known to astronomers as M31.

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预计44亿年后,仙女座星系将与银河系相撞,到时候仙女座星系会更加壮观。Andromeda will be even more impressive in 4.5bn years’ time, when it is expected to collide with our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

由于他们谦卑,仙女座议会进行干预,帮助他们搬迁到一个完全不同的恒星系统。Due to their humility, the Andromeda Council intervened, stepped in and helped relocate them to a completely different star system.

双鱼座位于仙女座的南边。双鱼是黄道十二宫的第12个星座,那意味着太阳在2月21日那天或2月21左右进入该区域。Pisces is a constellation south of Andromeda. Pisces is the 12th sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters on or around February 21.