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马克打着炉子,融雪取水。Marc fires up the stove for fresh water from snowmelt.

好茶要好水才行,最好是用雪融化的水。Good tea needs good water.It had better come from the snowmelt water.

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好茶要好水才行,最好是用雪融化的水。Good tea needs good water. It had better come from the snowmelt water.

科学家们把这些猖獗的大火同天气变暖以及融雪时间提前联系在一起。Scientists have correlated the rampant blazes with wamer temperatures and earlier snowmelt.

科学家已经证实猖獗火灾与气温升高和早期融雪的关系。Scientists have correlated the rampant blazes with warmer temperatures and earlier snowmelt.

他的话语里有一种稳定的滴滴滴的停顿,就像从他斗篷上滑落的雪水滴落在地板上一样。A steady drip-drip-drip punctuated his words as snowmelt ran off his cloak to puddle on the floor.

分析了融雪剂在使用过程中撒布设备及外界因素对它的影响。Influences of dispensing device and outside factors to snowmelt agent in using process were analysed.

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3月19日,一股冷锋掠过该区,减缓了雪融水进入该地河流的速度。A cold front passing through the area on March 19, 2010, slowed the rate of snowmelt feeding local rivers.

机载和星载遥感数据提取的雪盖面积是融雪径流模型的重要组成部分。Satellite- and airborne-derived measurements of snow covered area have been used in snowmelt runoff models.

这些变化已经发生因为下雪雪水温度已经爬上了塔霍湖地区。These changes in snowfall and snowmelt have happened because temperatures have climbed in the Tahoe region.

他们一年中大部分时间在雪下生存,只在夏季数月中被融雪灌溉而生长。They survive being covered in snow most of the year, only growing briefly during the summer months, watered by snowmelt.

分析了积雪反射率在融雪过程中的特殊作用以及融雪过程的正反馈机制。The authors emphasized the special influence of snow albedo on the snowmelt process and pointed out a positive feedback mechanism.

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这些粪土经冰雪融水迁移而沉积在企鹅聚居地的湖泊中。Droppings are transferred by ice or snowmelt water and at last some of them are deposited in the lake located on the penguin rookeries.

这是一个潜在的危险做好融雪现在气温已经飙升至超过100度,在公园入口处本周。That's making for a potentially dangerous snowmelt now that temperatures have spiked to over 100 degrees at the park entrance this week.

受访者同样也谈到了春天在安德里弗斯河和育空河里较以往水位还低的雪水,意味着越来越少的原木能漂流而下。Participants also discussed lower spring snowmelt flows on the Andreafsky and Yukon Rivers, meaning less logs are flowing down the river.

根据流域特点,在考虑季节性冻土的运移状况下,采用融雪径流模型与水箱模型相结合的方法,在整个黄河源区进行模拟。On the basis of migration of seasonal frozen soil, simulates the Yellow River Source Region's runoff by snowmelt runoff model and tank model.

根据流域特点,采用融雪径流模型与新安江模型相结合的方法,在白河流域进行模拟。In view of the characters of the source area, the method is to combine Xinanjiang model with snowmelt runoff model and apply to the basin of Baihe.

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对主要来源于高山冰雪融水的水库水源水质特征进行了调查评价,同时对其可处理性进行了研究。The water quality characteristics and the treatability were investigated for one reservoir source, which mainly came from alp glacial snowmelt water.

由于融雪和春雨汇聚沿日则沟奔流,再从一个又一个满溢的海子边宽宽的大瀑布倾泻而下,空中回响着流水的乐曲。The air rings with water music as snowmelt and spring rains sluice down the Rize Valley, tumbling in broad cataracts from one brimful lake to another.

文章还据此提出了相应的防洪措施,对新疆融雪洪水的防治以及干旱区水资源的可持续利用有重要意义。Some flood control measures also brought forward, it is very import for the controlling of snowmelt flood and the sustainable use of water resource in Xinjiang.