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我剪了一个新发型。I have a new hairdo.

包括余秋雨的发型。Including Yu Qiuyu's hairdo.

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我将替您做一个很出色的发型。I will try a knock-out hairdo on you.

她那奇怪的发型让男友感到很不爽。Her weird hairdo really bummed her boyfriend out.

她戴着一副蝶形眼镜,顶着一头蜂窝式发型。She wore butterfly glasses and had a beehive hairdo.

一个流浪汉的衣着和发型怎么成潮流的?How does a stroller's dress and hairdo become fashionable?

她棕色的卷卷的短发蓬松鼓起。Her short brown hair was curled in a puffy bouffant hairdo.

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当然你们满不满意我不知道,不过我自己还蛮喜欢我的新发型…Whether you are satisfied my hair or not, I quite like my new hairdo.

古夫兰开玩笑道,没人发现她头巾下的新发型。Ghufran joked that nobody had spotted her new hairdo under her head scarf.

首先,他长得挺帅的,第二,他的衣着和发型都很潮。First, he is very handsome, and second, his dress and hairdo are very fashionable.

帕米拉塔茨伯利穿着淡紫色晚礼服,梳着别致的发式,正在打字机上咔嗒咔嗒地打着。Pamela tudsbury clattered away at a typewriter, in her mauve evening dress and fancy hairdo.

数十年来,我们曾有过“朋克”发型狂热、“都市牛仔”狂热和“吉拉吉”狂热。In recent decades we have had the "punk" hairdo fad, the Urban Cowboy" fad and the grunge fad.

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有时候我们会因为别人拥有我们想要的包或发型而嫉妒。Maybe you're only jealous because he or she has the exact handbag or hairdo you've always wanted.

如果你是一个摇滚歌手,意味著要避开一些明显的易犯的错误,例如一种前面和两旁都很短,但后面很长的发型。Which if you're a singer in a rock band, means avoiding the obvious pitfalls like say a mullet hairdo.

女孩子可以在发夹上多花心思,选择自己喜欢的别致发夹,装饰束发。The girl can be on hairpin floriferous idea, choose the chic hairpin that oneself like, decorate hairdo.

这令人震撼的优雅与女演员的乳白肤色相对应、也与她的柔顺金色发型相平衡。The shocking shade popped against the actress' milky complexion and balanced out her sleek, blonde hairdo.

我的孩子们告诉我要戴上太阳镜,这样人们看到我怪异的发型和素面朝天的样子就不会被吓着了。My kids tell me to put them on so I don't freak people out when they see me with a goofy hairdo and no makeup.'

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据Aniston所说,她有名的"Rachel"头是由她的"朋友"Chris用剃刀剃头发,意外造成的。According to Aniston, her famous "Rachel"hairdo was created by accident when her "friend"Chris cut her hair with a razor.

发式定型前,先戴在客人头上试效果,使发型符合顾客的需要。Before hairdo finalizes the design, the effect tries on Dai Zaike poll first, make hairstyle accords with the client's need.

到了学校,同学们开始窃笑,既痛苦又无可否认的是,所有人都觉得你疯狂的新发型简直可笑到了极点!At school, your classmates start to snicker, and it's painfully obvious that everyone finds your crazy new hairdo thoroughly ridiculous.