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一般装饰门可做户门。General adornment door to do a door.

指设在门框四面的装饰造型。Point to set in doorcase the adornment modelling all around.

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格雷格家每个房间都挂着具有浓郁田园色彩的装饰画。Greg home every room hung with rich rural colorific adornment.

朴实简练,很少添加饰词。He writes simply and succinctly, rarely adding too much adornment.

“错位”装饰便是当今流行的风格之一。"Amlposition " one of styles that adornment is current popularity.

他们几乎一致公认华严经是第一经。They agreed that the Flower Adornment Sutra was the most important.

这是完善和最高人民法院装饰品的理由灵魂。It is the perfection and the supreme adornment of the justified soul.

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皮带是日常生活中的实用品,也是时尚装扮的装饰品。Strap is common things in daily life, also it is adornment in fashion.

假如家里还充斥着大量的冷色调装饰,就太不合时宜了。If there still is many cold tonal adornment in the home, too malapropos.

有谁能够装饰或承担,这生生世世的约定。Can anyone adornment or bear, this generation after generation agreement.

这些颜料可能一直被运用在人体彩绘和长久失传的艺术品上。The paint may have been used for body adornment or for long-gone artwork.

触及女人的装饰一事,那可得随着她自己的心气儿。A woman must needs follow her own fancy touching the adornment of her person.

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欧克装饰是中国建筑装饰协会优秀会员单位。The g adornment is China building decoration association excellent member units.

珠贝是怀旧和极富历史感的装饰品。Bead shellfish is nostalgic the adornment that feels with extremely rich history.

设色匀净清丽,于青绿中间以赭色,富有变化和装饰性。Coloring is plain, even in green among with ochre, rich change and adornment sex.

因此,它只是为了更好地保存这些珍贵的宝石作为装饰,美容止。So it's just better to keep these precious stones as an adornment and beauty only.

高级装饰设计师,擅长欧式古典及新古典软装设计搭配。She is senior designer and good at European classic and neoclassical soft adornment.

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用于建筑墙体内外表面和顶棚装饰的预制干混砂浆。Used for building wall and ceiling adornment inside surface of prefabricated dry mortar.

而局部的桔红色的装饰面,则给人以眼前一亮的感觉。And the adornment face of local nacarat, feel with what shine at the moment to the person.

玻璃先生创办于一九八五年,专业开发、生产装饰艺术玻璃。Mr. Glass was established in 1985, we are development and produce the adornment art glass.