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这是你的书,莎莉。This is your book, Sari.

纱丽和紧身连衣裤,孟买,印度,1999。Sari and Catsuit, Mumbai, India, 1999

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所以她就开始买便宜一些的沙丽,她说这改变了她的生活。So she started buying cheaper sari and she said it changed her life.

“我不明白你们为什么要做这些事情,”莎莉说,“为什么要把事情做得一团糟呢,就不能让一切都正常运行吗?”"I just don't understand why you would do all of these things, " Sari said.

每一个人都死去了,除了他们的馆长,那位穿着精美淡紫色纱丽的印度人。Everyone, that is, except their curator, an Indian in an exquisite lilac sari.

工作室在一架织布机工作设计一件传统的莎丽服。Maya, a weaver, works at a loom in the Jhoole studio to create a traditional sari.

其中一件展品展示了许多服装纱丽印度妇女穿漂亮的种。One exhibit shows the many beautiful kinds of sari clothing that Indian women wear.

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我不沐浴,也不换下穿了一晚上的老式棉布纱丽。Without taking my bath or changing out of the old cotton sari in which I have spent the night.

芭比娃娃穿着漂亮的金边镶嵌的纱丽,粉红色的披肩,戴着异域风情的珠宝。Diwali Barbie doll wears a teal sari with golden detailing, a pink shawl wrap, and exotic jewelry.

最流行的服装样式包括了无缝服装,如妇女穿的莎丽和男人穿的缠腰布。Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as sari for women and dhoti or lungi for men.

后来得好友纱耶介绍一份家庭教师的工作,但美野里所教的学生,就是每天在电车中非礼自己的人。Introduced by her best friend Sari , Mei applies to be a home private tutor far away from her home.

你每月开始买便宜一些的沙丽,然后把节省下来的钱给我分给穷人们。You start buying a cheaper sari each month, and the money you save, you bring it to me for the poor.

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纱丽、地毯等丝织品、罐式摆设仍然是鲜明的印度家居符号。Decoration of type of the silk such as sari , carpet, canister remains bright India to live in a symbol.

芬兰森林研究中心的萨里.斯达克证明了威尔斯的观点,完全在土壤水平。Sari Stark of the Finnish Forest Research Institute proves Wells' contention, right down to the soil level.

见证了许多有趣的历史景点从马六甲高度80米的吉隆坡驯服纱丽。Witness a host of interesting and historical sights of Melaka from a height of 80 metres of Menara Taming Sari.

一束光线从街灯穿过细竹栏杆,照在一个穿著亮白色印度传统长袍的人身上。A shaft of light from a street lamp falls past tenuous bamboo railings onto a figure in a glittering white sari.

当地卫生所和医院在今后两周将加强对流感样疾病和严重急性呼吸道感染的监测。There is enhanced surveillance for ILI and SARI in the local health centre and hospital for a further two weeks.

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五年以后的今天,拉蒂巴姨身上的纱丽甚至更破旧了,就连头发也比以前花白了很多,眼睛也花了两倍。Today, five years later, Ratti Bai’s sari was even shabbier, her hair even more gray and her eyes twice as dazed.

德蕾莎修女会说北印度语和孟加拉语,身穿白色粗布印度妇女传统服饰沙丽,衣服上有仁爱修女会著名的蓝色镶边标志。She learned the Indian languages of Hindi and Bengali and wore a coarse white sari with its trademark blue border.

很明显这位穿着低胸莎丽,坐在外资银行办公室里的女士肯定是巴基斯坦的白领了。No doubt she is among the elite Pakistani as she is wearing a deep-V sari and working at a multinational banking corporation.