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纸箱是很适合海运的。Carto are quite seaworthy.

纸箱是很适合海运的。But carto are quite seaworthy.

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但纸箱是适于海运的。But cartons are quite seaworthy.

这些船只被证明适于航行。These ships were certified seaworthy.

真是怪事,那个大澡盆似的破船怎么能航海?I wonder how seaworthy that over-sized bathtub really is?

大部分的邮轮都会提供适宜在海上运动的设施。Most cruise ships offer numerous options for seaworthy exercise.

适用于海运并能经受在码头上的粗暴装卸。They are seaworthy and can stand rough handling on the wharves ?

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为了幸存的可能,现在我们必须令我们的生命之船能够适航。For that to be possible, we have to make our lifeboats seaworthy now.

以坚固、适于海运的木箱包装,内衬锡板,外加铁箍。To be packed in seaworthy wooden case with tin-lining and iron hoops.

我们建议你们货物的包装一定要适合海洋运输。We'd like to advise you that the packing of the goods must be seaworthy.

包装必须适合海运,足够牢固,经得住野蛮装卸。The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handing.

全部价格为FOB到贵方运输港口,包括耐航包装费。Unit and total price FOB your port of shipment, seaworthy packing included.

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你们的包装必需存在适航性,并能经得伏运输中的蛮横搬运。Your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling during transit.

你们的包装必须具有适航性,并能经得起运输中的野蛮搬运。Your packing must be seaworthy and can stand rough handling during transit.

这是一种非常适合航行的船只,能够在公海经受长期的航行。It is very seaworthy vessel, easily capable of enduring the long voyages on high seas.

你方提供的这类货物应用出口的纸箱包装,并用箱包带加固。The goods you supplied should be packed in seaworthy cartons and secured by box bands.

货物必须用适于海运的木箱包装,能经受住粗鲁搬运。The goods must be packed in seaworthy wooden cases capable of withstanding rough handling.

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你们的包装必须具有适航性,并能经得起运输途中的粗鲁搬运。Your packing should be seaworthy and be able to withstand the rough handling during transit.

交船时,出租人应当做到谨慎处理,使船舶适航。At the time of delivery, the shipowner shall exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy.

木箱不仅要适合于海运,还要十分坚固足以保护货物不受任何损失。The wooden case should be not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods from any damage.