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梅西买唱片花了很多钱。Maisie spends a lot of money on records.

一定帮我谢谢梅齐烤了这么好的馅饼!You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie.

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只有当梅西来抱住他,抚慰他,他才感到有安全感。Only when Maisie came to hold him and soothe his fears did he feel safe.

这对十几岁的小“夫妻”如今住在尚特尔家中照顾。The teenage couple are now looking after baby Maisie at Chantelle's home.

这对十几岁的小“夫妻”如今住在尚特尔家中照顾宝宝梅齐。The teenage couple are now looking after baby Maisie at Chantelle's home.

很高兴的梅齐应道,“可以。”她然后问查利他的第二个问题是什么。Delighted, Maisie answered him, 'Yes. ' She then asked Charlie what his second question was.

当星期一他的女朋友仙黛尔。斯蒂德曼生下一名女婴梅齐。罗克珊,长着娃娃脸的阿尔菲。巴顿便当了父亲。Baby-faced Alfie Patton, became a dad when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to a baby girl Maisie Roxanne Monday.

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梅西重七斤三盎司,在周一晚上经过5小时分娩后生于伊斯特伯恩街的一家医院。Weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces, Maisie Roxanne was born here at Eastbourne District General Hospital on Monday night after a 5-hour labour.

结论部分对上述内容进行了一个总结,指出这部小说反映了主人公的成长过程。The part of Conclusion gives a summary of the previous contents, points out that the novel reflects the growth process of the female Maisie.

Katie现在是三个孩子的母亲,他们家已经养有两只狗,十三只几内亚猪,三只兔子以及两只仓鼠,据她表示,八岁的Ella、五岁的Alfie和十九个月大的Maisie都非常喜爱这只新宠物。The mother-of three, who already has two dogs, 13 guinea pigs, three rabbits and two hamsters, says her children Ella, eight, Alfie, five, and 19-month-old Maisie dote on their new pet.