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我对你们说没有股票,会有比市场表现的好,或者差的可能性。I said that no stock is likely to outperform the market or underperform the market.

不过,即便是在国际足联排名出台之前,热门球队在世界杯上通常都是表现欠佳。But even prior to the FIFA ranking system, favorites have tended to underperform at the World Cup.

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当DR3从高估去走向中性区,证券的表现将不及债券和黄金。When the DR3 goes from overvalued to neutral, equities should underperform treasury bills or bonds or gold.

但是,你应该记得拉森是一个极为保守的投资者,自然在牛市的年份不能发挥出全部水平。But you may remember that Larson is an extremely conservative investor who would naturally underperform in boffo years.

当市场认为一种投资的表现将不及市政债券时,那么可以说我们还没有到疯狂的程度。When the market thinks an investment is going to underperform munis, it's safe to say we are not in the midst of euphoria.

例如,我们发现,相对于回购公司,如果发行公司的较大的话,其最后的表现会落后于大市。When issuing firms are large relative to repurchasing firms, for example, we find that large firms subsequently underperform.

但是美林认为礼来股价在很长时间内仍然会在低位运行,因为礼来的前六名药物中的四种在2011-2014年间将变为非专利药。But MER still has a long-term "Underperform" rating on LLY because four of its top six drugs go generic between 2011 and 2014.

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一些建筑律师曾经说过,如果发现建筑物性能不够好,业主会面临另外诉讼的风险。Already, some construction lawyers have said that owners might face additional risk of lawsuits if buildings are found to underperform.

这种制作有一定的失败风险,但是大多数制片厂都是在一年内发行表现过好或者表现不佳的大片。Such productions carry a substantial risk of failure, and most studios release blockbusters that both over- and underperform in a year.

瑞士信贷将该股“跑赢大市”从“低于”因乐观,该公司将恢复盈利,亏损企业。Credit Suisse upgraded the stock to "outperform" from "underperform" amid optimism the company will restore profits in money-losing businesses.

结果有两种.如果美国失利,美国股市投资者将黯然神伤,美元将进一步下跌,从而使生活水平进一步恶化.如果美国战胜这一挑战,投资将得到高额回报.If America fails, investors in U.S. equities will underperform and the dollar will weaken further, undermining our standard of living even more.

经历了七年的美伊战争,逾期超过九年的美阿战争,这些国家的经济持续衰退,表现不佳。After seven years of a U.S. presence in Iraq and over nine years in Afghanistan, the economies of those countries continue to falter and underperform.

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此外,瑞士信贷将AIG的评级由"中性"下调至"表现劣于大盘",称近期的业务出售将使其普通股几乎没有持有价值.Separately, Credit Suisse downgraded AIG to "underperform" from "neutral," saying near-term sale of businesses would leave little to no value for common equity holders.

经过无数次尝试继续下去,并与汽车行驶约30公里,我们利用我们会CB让车队中的其他人知道红车是继续表现不佳。After numerous attempts to keep going and with the car travelling at about 30 kms we used our CB to let the others in the convoy know Red Car was continuing to underperform.

楞兹说,“当我们让他们评价相貌时,大多数女性参选人表现相对较好,但是接着其在实际选举中的表现通常不如男性参选人。”“Most female candidates fare relatively better when we ask people to rate the faces, but then generally underperform their male counterparts in actual elections,” Lenz notes.

惠誉列出的问题是西尔斯和凯马特美国门店的增收增幅继续落后于其他零售商,营业利润率也滞后。The problem illuminated by Fitch is that domestic Sears and Kmart stores have continued to underperform other retailers on top line growth and operating margins have also lagged.

一个教育工会成员,马丁-詹姆森,指出英国的“课程之间的不平等是所有富有国家中最大的”,这是它的学生表现不好的主要原因。Martin Johnson, an education trade unionist, points to Britain's "inequality between classes, which is among the largest in the wealthiest nations" as the main reason why its pupils underperform.