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通过下水道。Through the sewer.

下水道堵了。The sewer was snarled up.

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池塘像阴沟一样散发着恶臭。The pond stank like a sewer.

下水道被堵死了。The sewer has stopped completely.

对排水系统来说这是个坏消息。That's bad news for sewer systems.

有人经过这阴沟。Some one has passed through the sewer.

厨房的下水道很容易堵塞。The sewer in the kitchen clogs easily.

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她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。She became the best sewer in the factory.

我们再重复一遍,这就是过去的阴沟。This, we repeat, was the sewer of the past.

资金通过出售排污债券筹得。Money was raised through selling sewer bonds.

来自下水道,也被称为地沟油。It’s from the sewer and it’s called hogwash oil.

阴沟是阴险的,可以告发你。The sewer is treacherous and tells tales of you.

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喜剧就是你掉进污水道里死了Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die.

涵洞管道涵洞的沟渠或引水道。The channel or conduit for such a sewer or drain.

在下水道里发现了大约有10只的鲶鱼。About 10 catfish were found swimming in the sewer.

喜剧就是你掉进污水道里死了”Comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die."

他的窝在马利容桥拱的暗沟里。For his lair he had the sewer of the Arche-Marion.

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洗具呢,就是你掉到了一个露天的阴沟里,结果就挂掉了。Comedy is when you fall down an open sewer and die.

不允许把化学品蔓延到下水道的分格中。Do not allow chemicals to creep into the sewer grid.

菏泽疏通下水道到哪里去找?Where does Heze dredge a sewer going round to look for?