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第1095号航班马上要着陆了。Flight 1095 is landing soon.

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硬着陆是几乎不可能的。A hard landing is hardly possible.

他的落地既快又稳。His landing is both swift and sure.

岩鸽降落在慢动作。Rock Pigeon landing in slow motion.

这架飞机在着陆时坠毁。The airplane cracked up in landing.

他的脚落地的动作像猫一样。His landing on his feet was catlike.

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降落区是安全降落场。The landing path is the safety path.

你的房门朝向顶层楼梯平台。Your room opens off the top landing.

一间书房位于楼梯平台上。A library is on the upstairs landing.

那是你的终点备降。That is your aiming point for landing.

机器人部队在卡西克登陆是怎么回事?。What of the droid landing on Kashyyyk?

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在君临他保留着那些小小鸟。In King's Landing he kept little birds.

请求用36R跑道优先着陆。Request priority landing at runway 36R.

那条小船在暴风雨中沈没了。They swamped out a small landing strip.

肯定是起落架坏了。Must be a problem with the landing gear.

他看著水上飞机在海面上降落。He watched the seaplane landing on water.

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前三点轮式起落架。Before the three-point landing gear wheel.

登陆月球的画面现场转播。The landing on the moon was telecast live.

飞行员在雾天盲目著了陆。The pilot made a blind landing in the fog.