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就像古筝似的,但是拉脱维亚式的。It’s sort of like a zither, but Latvian.

在里加的拉脱维亚首都的秋天色调Autumn tones in the Latvian capital, Riga.

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他的第二任妻子是一位拉脱维亚农民出身的女佣His second wife was a Latvian peasant maid.

餐馆只食用欧洲和拉脱维亚食物。The restaurants have only European and Latvian food.

我们欢迎拉脱维亚企业到中国投资经商。Latvian businesses are welcome to invest and do business in China.

拉脱维亚政府和警方正在调查这起安全事件。The Latvian government and police are investigating the security breach.

拉脱维亚工商联合会是一个非政府组织,团结拉脱维亚公司的不同部门。Chamber is a non-governmental, voluntary organisation uniting Latvian companies of different sectors.

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首先,一个俄国人怎么能娶一个拉脱维亚人,何况女方还是个平民How can you marry a Latvian to begin with, if you're a Russian and marry somebody who was a commoner?

招募拉脱维亚金发美少女网上买卖欧美品牌直升机!Recruitment Latvian blonde girl for buying and selling American and European brands U. S. helicopter!

他说,如果采用了第二官方语言,这些人就更有理由或动机不学拉脱维亚语了。If the second state language is introduced, they would be left without any reason or motivation to learn Latvian.

该方案是针对拉脱维亚市场和欧盟有关市场,法律和语言之间的相互关系。The programme is directed to the Latvian market and to the EU-related market where law and language inter-relate.

拉脱维亚森林位于混杂有北方针叶林和南方落叶林的森林带。Latvian forests are located in a mixed forest zone consisting of northern coniferous and southern deciduous trees.

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然而我们不必担心,因为向导伊瓦曾经是拉脱维亚特种部队的阻击手。However, we have nothing to worry about, because our guide Eva used to be a sniper with the Latvian Special Forces.

在一七一六年到一七一八年的离婚案中,阿列克谢站在了母亲这一边,他也不喜欢拉脱维亚乡下出身的第二任妻子In 1716 and 1718 Alexis had taken his mother's side in the divorce and did not like the Latvian peasant second wife.

在一七一六年到一七一八年的离婚案中,阿列克谢站在了母亲这一边,他也不喜欢拉脱维亚乡下出身的第二任妻子。In 1716 and 1718 Alexis had taken his mother's side in the divorce and did not like the Latvian peasant second wife.

俄国国防部长表示着8名嫌疑人其中包括俄国人,爱沙尼亚人与拉脱维亚人。The Russian Defence Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said the eight suspects included Russian, Estonian and Latvian citizens.

会谈前,胡锦涛主席在人民大会堂东门外广场为弗赖贝加总统访华举行欢迎仪式。Prior to the talks, President Hu hosted a ceremony to welcome his Latvian counterpart at a plaza east to the Great Hall of the People.

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有一段时间情况似乎坏到不可收拾,拉脱维亚当局要求本国年轻女人不要这样随便地参加那些游客的单身派对。At one point things got so bad that the Latvian authorities urged young women not to offer themselves so freely to visiting parties of stags.

2004年4月15日下午,国家主席胡锦涛在人民大会堂同拉脱维亚总统弗赖贝加举行会谈。On the afternoon of April 15, 2004, President Hu Jintao held talks with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga at the Great Hall of the People.

据英国广播公司报道,一位被誉为"现代罗宾汉"的黑客向拉脱维亚电视台披露了该国银行和国有企业的金融数据。An alleged hacker has been hailed as a latter-day Robin Hood for leaking financial data about banks and state-owned firms to Latvian TV, BBC reported.