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类型构造函数也称为类型初始值设定项。Type constructors are also known as type initializers.

数组初始值设定项也可以在调用函数中内联使用。Array initializers may also be used inline for calling functions.

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只有当对象创建后,实例的初始化才开始执行。Instance initializers are executed only if an object is constructed.

如果您这样做的话,静态初始化软件会非常混乱。Static initializers in particular can get very confused if you do that.

一般来说,各种初始化程序的变化对现有对象都没有影响Generally changes to various initializers will not take effect on existing objects

使用者定义具型别阵列或常数阵列所指定的初始设定式过少。Too few initializers were specified for an array of user-defined types or constants.

实例初始化器允许您为一个匿名内部类执行构造代码。Instance initializers allow you to execute construction code for an anonymous inner class.

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原因是运行时的参数值是同初始化软件在同样的文件中被声明的。The reason is that the runtime parameter values are declared in the same file as the initializers.

一种初始化形式,将逗号分隔的初始化式列表放在圆括号内。Form of initialization that places a comma-separated list of initializers inside a pair of parentheses.

同一类型的后续实例从第5步开始,因为类初始化器仅仅执行一次。Subsequent instances of the same type start at step 5 because the class initializers execute only once.

数值初始值设定项现在可支持类型引用,这样大大减少了代码量。Array initializers now support type inference, significantly reducing the amount of code that needs to be typed.

类不再需要方法,因为常量通过静态字段初始化器进入dex文件中。The class no longer requires a method, because the constants go into static field initializers in the dex file.

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这个类将不会调用方法,因为这些常量直接写入了类文件静态属性初始化中,这个初始化直接由虚拟机来处理。The class no longer requires a method, because the constants go into static field initializers in the dex file.

因为它们是定义成键/值对的,所以很容易在Rails的初始化器或者XML配置文件里使用。Since they are defined as key-value pairs, they are easy to use with Rails initializers or XML configuration files.

首先,它初始化这些系统类不需要线程支持来执行这些静态的初始化。First, it initializes those system classes that don't require thread support by executing their static initializers.

此程序还演示了静态字段初始值设定项如何在显式类型构造函数中的代码之前执行。This program also demonstrates how static field initializers execute before the code inside an explicit type constructor.

如果局部变量声明包含了多个声明符,这些声明符必须具局部变量声明这些备同样的编译期类型。If the local variable declaration includes multiple declarators, the initializers must all have the same compile-time type.

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复合文字和指定的初始化程序是非常好的代码可维护性特性。Compound literals and designated initializers are a wonderful code maintainability feature. Compare these two code fragments

如果局部变量声明包含了多个声明符,这些声明符必须具备同样的编译期类型。If the local variable declaration includes multiple declarators , the initializers must all have the same compile-time type.

也可以使用初始值设定项用值填充数组元素,在这种情况下不需要数组大小。It is also possible to use initializers to fill the array elements with values, in which case you do not need the array size.