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每分钟就有一名妇女在分娩时死亡。One woman dies in childbirth each minute.

它很像十月分娩--过后你会忘记它带给你的疼痛。It's like childbirth – you forget how much it hurts.

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晚婚晚育应予鼓励。Late marriage and late childbirth shall be encouraged.

临产前就会出现分娩先兆。Before being in labor, will present the childbirth omen.

会阴收束被证实对分娩同样有帮助。Moola bandha has also proved to be useful in childbirth.

这可以降低滞产的风险。This reduces the risk of long and obstructed childbirth.

产后多久来月经是正常的?Is how long menstruates for after the childbirth regular?

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他们在那里被战兢疼痛抓住,好像产难的妇人一样。Shaking came on them and pain, as on a woman in childbirth.

这可导致并发症和分娩期间死亡。This can lead to complications and death during childbirth.

他们不会对死于难产的妇女进行尸体检查。They don't do autopsies on women who die in childbirth here.

如果你还未考虑过,报名参加一些分娩课程吧。If you haven’t already sign up for childbirth education classes.

现在接生水平高的几个可都是男人的。Severals that assist in childbirth class Gao now can are all man.

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婚后的第19年,泰姬在分娩时不幸去世。They had been married for 19 years when Mumtaz died in childbirth.

腹部轻抚法是用于孕妇的心理助产法。Effleurage of the abdomen is used in the lamaze method of childbirth.

人流一次对身体造成的损伤比正常分娩还厉害。Poured a cause to the body damage to more severe than normal childbirth.

他说早育的医学危险被过分夸大了。He said the medical dangers of early childbirth were greatly exaggerated.

恶灵是分娩时就夭折的女婴魂灵。A cihuateteo is the restless spirit of a woman who has died in childbirth.

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2008年,35.8万名妇女在妊娠和分娩期间及分娩后死亡。In 2008, 358 000 women died during and following pregnancy and childbirth.

每一分钟就有一位母亲死于妊娠和分娩的并发症。Every minute, a mother dies from complications in pregnancy and childbirth.

每分钟就有一名妇女死于怀孕和分娩并发症。Every minute a woman is dying from complications in pregnancy and childbirth.