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他是一个残酷、冷漠的男人。He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog.

会见时在镇东侧,基罗排土场我。Meet me at the junkyard on the east side of town, KIRO.

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废弃车辆在废车场被压成方块。The junked cars were compacted into rectangles at the junkyard.

变形金刚们的出现如同堆在一起的汽车废铁,迟钝的像大石头一般。Their appearance looks like junkyard throw-up. They are dumb as a rock.

在一间杂乱的垃圾场车库里,Lincoln逐渐开始恢复意识。Lincoln begins to regain consciousness in the cluttered junkyard garage.

人们谁是不友好的,或漠不关心,可以说狗比一个垃圾场作为寡情。People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog.

但是他们未能从当地废品厂的一辆失窃的卡车上取得指纹。And they were unsuccessful in getting fingerprints off a stolen truck at a local junkyard.

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一辆黑色的野马驶过一片垃圾场,开入了一个偏僻的角落,在视线范围外。A black Mustang drives through a junkyard. The car drives to a secluded corner and pulls in, out of sight.

在车库外,垃圾场的一名员工注意到了塑料布后面的那辆黑色野马。Outside the garage, one of the employees at the junkyard notices the black Mustang behind some plastic tarps.

每天,孩子俩都会到垃圾场来找点有用的东西拿去卖钱来买吃的。Every day they searched the junkyard for something useful that they can resell for money so they can buy food.

歌剧院和博物馆已经开放--但有如两栋美丽的建筑模型矗立在垃圾场中。The opera house and the museum are open for business — two beautiful architectural models rising from a junkyard.

东小口从繁忙的回收经济中心变成大垃圾场。All of that threatens to turn Dongxiaokou from the epicenter of a bustling recycling economy into a massive junkyard.

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互联网可能是一个天堂消息灵通的消息迷,但是它对我们来说是混乱新闻的垃圾场。The Internet may be a paradise for well-informed news junkies, but it is a confusing news junkyard for the rest of us.

如果你的文件或研磨的他们将金属像任何一块铁从您的车库或一个垃圾场,生锈。If you file or grind on them they will show metal like any piece of iron from your garage or a junkyard that is rusted.

地表水和地下水的控制是提高排土场稳定性的极有效的措施。To control both the upland water and groundwater is a very effective measure to take for improving the stability of the junkyard.

以下是更适合于二十一世纪快车道的一些车型,它们正在不断加速,并把通用发配到了废车场。Here are some of the cars better-suited for the 21st century's fast lane that are picking up speed and sending GM to the junkyard.

完美,你和谢尔顿去废物堆积场找个6平方的铝合板,我和拉杰搞定氧乙炔喷焊器。Perfect. You and sheldon go to the junkyard and pick up 6 square meters of scrap aluminum?Raj and iw ill get the oxyacetylene torch.

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湖北警方日前出重金,悬赏捉拿随州特大凶杀案犯罪嫌疑人熊振林。Police in Hubei are offering RMB5000 for a tip-off on junkyard owner Xiong Zhenlin, the suspected killer of 8 people in Suizhou Monday.

我那同学把那车打造的很快,他找来了一台389立方英寸的引擎,并换上了高性能零件,这些都被他父母鼓励。But my friend made it fast, getting a junkyard 389-cubic-inch engine and rebuilding it with performance parts, all while being encouraged by his parents.

南太平洋小国万那杜所属的一座岛屿Espiritu,在她纯净洁白的沙滩几哩外不远处,就有一个大型的海底废物堆积场。It is a vast undersea junkyard lying just a few metres off a pristine white beach on the island of Espiritu Santo in the South Pacific nation of Vanuatu.