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在一条毁谤之舌的毒焰中焚烧。Burning in fires of a slanderous tongue.

她中伤性的话损害了他的名誉。Her slanderous words soiled his reputation.

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而切尔诺梅尔说这种说法是一次诽谤。Mr Danilkin said the allegations were slanderous.

这是对我们的政策的恶意歪曲。This is a slanderous misrepresentation of our policy.

在法庭上,他认为对他的指控是造谣中伤。In the court, he thought the charges were slanderous rumours.

北韩方面可能最终会认为这是诽谤和对抗行为。He says Pyongyang could eventually view such behavior as slanderous and antagonistic.

最后,他们甚至堕落如此之低,以提出诽谤中伤我对他们的网页中。Finally, they even stoop so low as to put slanderous libel about me on their web pages.

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所以对于恶意中伤本网站的话语,本网将保留法律起诉的权力!So slanderous words on this website, the legal prosecution of us will retain the power!

禁止访问或提及含有种族主义,性,暴力或者诽谤性言论的内容.。Do not access or mention contents which have racist, sexual, violent or slanderous factors.

举个例子,某人在你生命的某处侵犯了你,诽谤你。Say for example, that someone attacks you in some area of your life, saying slanderous things about you.

科索沃政府表示,此类耸人听闻的诽谤之前就已经调查过,最后证明是空穴来风。Such slanderous allegations have been investigated before, says Kosovo's government, and found to be baseless.

因此他开始暗地里散布流言蜚语,说这一个跟另一个作对,直到在他们之间制造了嫉妒和不信任。He therefore began secretly to spread evil and slanderous reports of one against the other, till he had fermented a jealousy and distrust amongst them.

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李瓶儿日夜悲啼,不思饮食,又经不起潘金莲的风言风语,不久也一病不起,命归黄泉。Li P'ing-erh cried day and night and couldn't eat and sleep. She couldn't bear P'an Chin-lien's slanderous gossip, and soon she also fell ill and died.

因此他开始暗地里散布流言蜚语,说这一个跟另一个作对,直到他们之间制造了妒忌和不信任。He therefore began secretly to spread evil and slanderous reports of one against the other , till he had formented a jealousy and distrust amongst them.

管理软件可以让公司使用过滤器来检测信息中可能包含有亵渎或诽谤性的语言,并且在即时通信的使用中强加上企业的规则。Management software enables companies to use filters to detect messages that may contain profanity or slanderous language, and to enforce corporate rules on IM use.

SPA援引外交部官员的话称,“一些英国媒体认为,沙特密切注意着这一虚假和诽谤性的指控,这将让以色列通过其领空来袭击伊朗”。"Saudi Arabia has followed the false and slanderous allegations reported by some British media that it would let Israel attack Iran via its airspace," SPA quoted a foreign ministry official as saying.