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中国称这是反恐。China calls this antiterrorism.

他和美国反恐专家密切合作,对印尼警方进行训练。He has worked closely with U.S. antiterrorism specialists to train police.

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例如,泰晤士报周日还报道了应对国内反恐努力的花费情况For example, The Times also reported Sunday on spending for domestic antiterrorism efforts

今年5月在北京举行的中国国际警用装备及反恐技术装备展览会上也展出了多件无人机模型。Several models were also shown at an exhibition of police and antiterrorism equipment in Beijing in May.

但上述高级反恐官员表示,小股恐怖分子仍然有能力实施攻击。But the senior antiterrorism official said small units of terrorists still had the capabilities to carry out attacks.

这场因特网威胁论的背景是由于一份繁复的国会反恐议案,它也把矛头指向因特网。All of this comes against the backdrop of a troubling Congressional antiterrorism bill that also focuses on the Internet.

这部法律授权日本海上自卫队派遣船只为反恐行动提供燃油支持。The law authorizes the dispatch of Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force vessels to provide refueling support for antiterrorism operations.

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在反恐法院系统的延误是很常见的,而且可能变得更加所以如果米尔扎和Buriro按照他们通过威胁停止工作。Delays in the antiterrorism court system are commonplace, and may become more so if Mirza and Buriro follow through on their threat to stop work.

该检测仪有望用于公共安全领域的反恐和边境、口岸的反走私工作。The possible application of the detector is in public security sector, and the detector can be used as a facility in antiterrorism and anti-smuggling.

奥巴马主张制定一个美军撤出伊拉克的固定时间表,只留下部分军队承担训练和反恐任务。Obama has advocated a steady timetable for withdrawing U.S. combat troops from Iraq, although he would leave some for training and antiterrorism missions.

政府在央行行长任命、反恐加油任务等问题上动弹不得。The government has been paralyzed by issues ranging from the appointment of a central bank governor to an antiterrorism refueling mission in the Indian Ocean.

绑架我的塔利班对西方人有许多误解,不过我也知道美国政府的部分反恐怖主义政策此前也一直在刺激着塔利班,使塔利班对其采取许多过激的行动。My captors harbored many delusions about Westerners. But I also saw how some of the consequences of Washington’s antiterrorism policies had galvanized the Taliban.

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英国于2008年适用反恐法律冻结了冰岛资产,以迫使其清偿英国储户的损失,这使冰岛人至今仍备感不安。They are still smarting from Britain's decision to use antiterrorism laws in 2008 to freeze Iceland's assets and force the country to agree to reimburse the British savers.

自2001年以来,世界很多地方颁布的反恐怖主义法扩大了执法和情报机关通过窃听以及类似手段截获通讯内容的权力。Antiterrorism laws adopted in much of the world since 2001 have expanded law enforcement and intelligence authority to intercept communications through wiretapping and similar means.

中国外交部昨日没有回应置评请求。北京方面此前曾表示,反恐和网络安全法律并不针对境外公司。China's foreign ministry did not respond to a request for comment yesterday. Beijing has previously said the antiterrorism and cyber security laws were not aimed at foreign companies.

他曾经有一次傍晚的时候在法兰克福匆忙转机,那儿安检坚持让他把用了一半的古龙香水扔掉,说这违反了反恐条例。He had made a rushed connection at dawn in Frankfurt, where a security agent insisted that he jettison a half-used bottle of cologne that was in violation of antiterrorism regulations.

自“9·11”事件以来,反恐和人员防护已成为了一个世界性的重要问题,因此个体防护装甲材料中的防刺纺织品也得到了快速的发展。Since the "9.11" event, antiterrorism and people′s safety has become an very important thing in the world. So, as a part of body armor, the stab-resistant fabric gained the rapid development.

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美国“生物反恐法案”的出台,促使各国对食品生产的安全和对国民生命质量的重视,也促使中国食品生产行业管理行为的改善。American "Biological Antiterrorism Law"makes all countries focus on food production safety and national life quality and propels China's food production industry to improve management behavior.

助理国务卿艾伦·R·索尔布雷星期三告知参议员说,反恐条例禁止了美国政府在这个财年安置9500名缅甸难民的机遇。Ellen R. Sauerbrey, an abettor abstruseary of state, told agents on Wednesday that the antiterrorism provisions had praccidented the United States from reclearing 9,500 Burmese this fiscal year.