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在乌克兰,没什么事是确定的。In Ukraine nothing is ever fixed.

乌克兰可以从中吸取教训。Ukraine can learn from that experience.

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乌克兰是一个东欧国家。Ukraine is a country in Eastern Europe.

圣尼古拉教堂码头,基辅,乌克兰。Church of St. Nicholas Quay, Kiev, Ukraine.

乌克兰将在周四对战苏格兰队。Ukraine play Scotland in Kiev on Wednesday.

乌克兰摩尔多瓦的莫斯特式棚屋。Mousterian hut from Moldova, in the Ukraine.

阿尔丹·康科1983年生于乌克兰赫梅利尼茨基。Artem Kanke is born in 1983 in Chmelnizki, Ukraine.

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例如俄罗斯、乌克兰、莫尔达瓦和塔吉克斯坦。They include russia ukraine moldova and tajikistan.

娘子谷是乌克兰首都基辅的一条沟壑。Babi Yar is a ravine in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

乌克兰和墨西哥宣布也将这样做。Ukraine and Mexico announced that they will do the same.

报道称,苏联解体后乌克兰接手了“瓦雅格”号,并在1998年把它出售给了中国。Ukraine inherited the Varyag, selling it to China in 1998.

如果有什么麻烦的话,我们会要求我们的伙伴来帮助乌克兰人。If there are problems, we ask our partners to help Ukraine.

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但北约要慎待乌克兰和格鲁吉亚的请求。But NATO should proceed with caution in Ukraine and Georgia.

1709年4月,乌克兰的冬天开始渐渐褪去。In April 1709 winter began to loosen its grip on the Ukraine.

乌克兰似乎快速行驶在通往自由和民主的大道上。Ukraine seemed to be on a fast track to freedom and democracy.

据报道,“施琅号”涡轮发动机采购自乌克兰。For Shi Lang, China reportedly purchased turbines from Ukraine.

乌克兰和巴基斯坦也曾发生过有序违约。The Ukraine and Pakistan have also defaulted in orderly fashion.

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买下最贵公寓的这家法律公司总部在俄罗斯和乌克兰。The law firm used in the purchase is based in Russia and Ukraine.

为什么欧美没有试着解放克里米亚和乌克兰东部?Why doesn'tthe US and Europe try tofree Crimea or Eastern Ukraine?

但是,如果乌克兰重新回到完全由总统治理的老路,她也并不介意。But she does not mind if Ukraine reverts to full presidential rule.