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有时也把它称为菌幕。It is sometimes termed the velum.

耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙。Luminosity glows through pale velum walls.

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但是膜的选择和压力的调试也比较重要。But choose of velum and pressure are crucial.

前髓帆有明显标记的交叉纤维。There was labelled crossed fiber in rostral medullary velum.

云和船都被明媚的阳光镶上了一层金色的膜。The clouds and the boat are set on a golden velum by the sunshine.

造粒面盘内衬高强度玻璃钢,防腐耐用。The granulator velum line with the high strength glass steel which is antiseptic and durable.

隔膜阀的关闭与开启是通过来自管路的压力作用于增强橡胶隔膜实现的。The open and close of septa velum Clique is by the pipeline pressure on the septa velum Clique.

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本公司可印刷六色以下塑料袋,生产各种规格的塑料、筒膜。Our company can print below six color, plastics bag , product all kinds of plastics, canister velum.

造粒面盘内衬高强度玻璃钢,防腐耐用。The lining of velum uses the high-strength glass fiber reinforced plastic which is antiseptic and durable.

目的探讨腹横筋膜缝合在腹股沟疝修补术中的应用价值。Objective To investigate the effect of the suture of transverse abdominal velum in the groin hernia repair.

结果多种化合物不同程度地提高了脂质体的稳定性。Result A few of the compounds increase liposomal stability by adding ingredients to the velum or coating the liposomes.

探讨了在毛织物上镀膜的特殊方法及其可行性,提出了真空镀膜在毛织物应用上具有巨大潜力。At last it discusses the possibility of this special way, and simply introduces the great development potential of plating velum on wool fabrics.

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藉由悬雍垂、腭帆及咽扁桃柱之重整,雷射悬雍垂腭咽成形术可以加大口咽腔的空间而增加气流。LAUP enlarges the oropharynx airspace by reshaping and restructuring the uvula , velum and pharyngotonsillar pillars which can increase air flow.

声音体系的结构,是把发声声音作为一系列声道的构造来编码,这些构造取自于喉、下颚、唇、舌头和小舌头的连续的位置。Phonological structure encodes speak sounds as a sequence of vocal tract configurations --- successive positions of the larynx, jaw, lips, tongue, and velum.

业已表明,钙信使参与植物抗逆反应,施钙有利于维持活性氧代谢平衡和维持细胞膜结构稳定性和功能。The result is that calcium-CaM messenger take partin plants' resistance reaction. Calcium fertilizers can keep the balance of AOmetabolism and keep the steady structure of cell velum.