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基本的准备工作。Mise en place basic preparation.

路易的判决1264年在亚眠公布,被称为“亚眠协定”。Louis' judgment was issued at Amiens in January 1264, and was known as the Mise of Amiens.

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舞台的哥特式风格并不明显而演员则看起来是挤在窄小的舞台上。The gothic-styled mise en scene looks cramped and performers look packed on the tiny stage.

可想而知,孟福尔立即否定了亚眠协定,接着武装斗争爆发了。Predictably, de Montfort repudiated the Mise of Amiens immediately, and armed conflict broke out.

确保所有餐厅的准备工作都做好,为各个服务时段做好准备。To ensure that all restaurant mise en place is correctly prepared and ready for each service period.

进行开餐准备和菜肴的烹饪,作为厨房团队的一员协助食品装盘工作。Prepares mise en place and food preparation and assists with food presentation as part of the kitchen brigade.

进行开餐准备和菜肴的烹饪,作为员工厨房团队的一员协助食品装盘工作。Prepares mise en place and food preparation and assists with food presentation as part of the staff kitchen brigade.

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我们在这儿有一个约定,我正在试图聚集一些要点,可以有效地把一些碎片合成一首交响曲。We have a mise en place here and I am trying to assemble some notes which may effectively develop some fragments and a symphony.

尽管就业仍是为丰田车队的全职工作生活中,一些抱怨,该公司现正与工资增长吝啬。While employment is still for life for Toyota's full-ti me workers, so me complain that the company is now mise rly with wage increases.

结果氟哌啶醇与阈下剂量哌替啶配伍注射可显著提高小鼠痛阈。Results The combinative administration of Dolantin in subthreshold dose and haloperidol can significantly raise the pain threshold of mise.

把要用的东西都放好。量好面粉,把罐装的西红柿打开,把所有要切丁的都切好,开始做米饭,等等。Prepare your mise en place. Measure out the flour, get the canned tomatoes open, dice everything ready to go, start the rice cooker, and so on.

饺子皮,面包团,碎猪肉,鱼酱,蘑菇,或许菱角和竹笋都是此处的组成部分。Dumpling skins, bun dough, minced pork, minced prawns, fish paste, mushrooms and maybe water chestnuts and bamboo shoots are all part of the mise en place.

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在西方艺术史中,“嵌套结构”是一种形式技法,其中一个形象包含着一个比它自身小的复制形象,依次无限地重现。In Western art history, mise en abyme is a formal technique in which an image contains a smaller copy of itself, in a sequence appearing to recur infinitely.

分析了单元数量、质量、布局的前提下,用壳单元对整个车身进行网格划分,建立了详细车身有限元模型。On the pre- mise of analysis of element quantities, quality and distribution, the whole car body is meshed by using shell element in order to establish the detailed model for FEM analysis.