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你欠我一次!You owe me!

你欠我的。You owe me.

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现在你欠我了。Now you owe me.

这是我欠他们的。I owe it to them.

我不欠他什么。I owe him nothing.

对你,我已仁至义尽了。I owe you nothing.

因为这是你欠他们的。You owe them that.

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多亏了你,我才活了下来。I owe my life to you.

我哪一点不都是亏了你!What do I not owe you!

我既没把钱借出也没欠债。I neither lend nor owe.

我懒不懒,与你这厮有何干系?I owe this to our team.

还是你欠你自己?Or do you owe yourself.

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他们都欠了他大大的人情。They owe him. Big time.

我连微笑都欠奉。Ismile all owe to serve.

你们这次要多谢我。You guys owe me bigtime.

你的爱带我渡过难关。Oh, I owe so much to you.

不,我一毛也不欠你。No way. I owe you nothing.

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他对她并非怀有恶意。He didn't owe her ill will.

欠账的是别人,还钱的却是他。He pays off what others owe.

好,在这一点,如果我们就这样了。I owe you a candy. Thank you.