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我对他这个人已经烦透了。I've had a bellyful of him.

满腹怯意化尘埃。Bellyful of timid meaning dust.

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亨利对他妻子那些抱怨话已经听厌了。Henry has had a bellyful of his wife's complaints.

全球经济的境况比一个吃了满腹坏牡蛎的人的境况还要糟糕。THE global economy is sicker than a man with a bellyful of bad oysters.

在银行里,他的手抖得厉害,几乎签不了名。Tonight you'll be walking around in London and you'll get a good bellyful of English.

所以,如果你对某些人的态度一直不太好,也许是因为真得是憋了一肚子的“火”。So if you react to someone in a hostile way, you might literally be giving them a bellyful.

饭后,加利亚尼给了记者们一个被谈论了一万年的回答,他确认俱乐部将要抢购伊布。Galliani then gave the press a bellyful of answers that confirm the club's will to snap up the star.

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她在一个棚子中遇见一个受伤的男孩。他是一个负责运送海洛因的贩毒团伙成员。He is a drug-runner put on a plane with a bellyful of heroin who's intended liquidation by the drug gang failed.

他说他已受够了其他同伴的寡助,正想结束同他的伙伴关系。He said he'd had a bellyful of his partner's lack of help and was thinking of ending the association between them.

他说他已受够了其同伴的寡助,正想结束同他的伙伴关系。He said he's had a bellyful of his partner's lack of help and was thinking of ending the association between them.

如今的全球经济比吃坏了肚子更让人恶心,仿佛只需要最后一场贸易战了。THE global economy is sicker than a man with a bellyful of bad oysters. The last thing it needs now is a trade war.

当雌性的回报和满腹的粮食倒流给雏鸟,雄性转而为他自己的喂养时期在海上。When the female returns with a bellyful of food to regurgitate for the chick, the male heads off for his own feeding session at sea.

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当雌性带着丰富的食物回来,吐给小企鹅吃时,雄性才离开,去海里为自己寻找食物。When the female returns with a bellyful of food to regurgitate for the chick, the male heads off for his own feeding session at sea.

但丈夫如果总是忙忙碌碌、牢骚满腹,相信任何有修养的妻子都很难“坚持”下来。But if the husband always is busy, complaint bellyful , the wife that trustful He Youxiu raises is very difficult " hold to " come down.

任何让人悲伤的理由都应被推迟到明天,或者更远一点。因为人们应该尽情的庆祝冠军头衔并且充分享受欢乐。Any reason for grief was postponed until the following day, or maybe just a tad later, because this title deserved an unashamed bellyful of joy.

我们从小学到大学在背书室被关上十到十五年之后,最后出来时满腹经纶,实际上却一无所知。We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for 10 or 15 years and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.