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自旋时间增加。Spin-up time increased.

他的薪金增加了。His salary has increased.

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提高食物的享受。Increased enjoyment of food.

增加的护甲从23点增加到25点。Armor increased to 25 from 23.

她的写作增加了20倍。Her writing increased 20-fold.

滑膛枪射程提高到110。Musket ranges increased to 110.

到1930年,野牛群的数量增加了。By 1930, herd numbers increased.

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学生人数增多。The number of students increased.

棉绒销量有小幅上升。Lint sales has increased slightly.

增加钉枪子弹的速度。Increased the speed of nailgun nails.

该给他们涨工资。They should have their pay increased.

但他们从来没有给她加过薪酬。But they never increased her earnings.

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但是他们的债务照样增长。But their debts increased all the same.

最终增加单株开花数、单株饱果数和荚果产量。As a result, it increased the pod yield.

到2005年,这一比率增加到122倍。By 2005 this ratio had increased to 122.

额外魔法值增加从600点增加到1000点。Increased the Mana Cap to 1000 from 600.

病毒唑增加贫血的风险。Ribavirin increased the risk of anaemia.

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我们今年的电话销售额增加了。恒星英语论坛We've increased our telesales this year.

我们今年的电话销售额增加了。we've increased our telesales this year.

电热器的销售量增加了。Sales of electric heaters have increased.