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你完全可以继续跟进,坐收渔利。You can hunker down and take it.

他感到背很痛,而且蹲不下身。He felt his backache and didn't hunker down.

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一位硬心肠的猎人猎杀了一只难以猎杀的野兔。A hard-hearted hunker hunted a hard-hunted hare.

世界杯东道主-南非隐瞒仇外暴乱风波。The World Cup hosts hunker down for a wave of xenophobic violence.

或者员工找到新工作,或准备好变革。Employees find new jobs, or they hunker down and get ready to change.

你的直觉是蹲下来,捉摸一下哪个是‘对’的答案。Your instinct is to hunker down and figure out which is the "right" answer.

那么,蹲下身子做好准备吧,听听那些最好的大脑怎么说。So hunker down and get prepared and listen to the best brains telling it like it is.

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因此最好的办法不再是守株待兔了,而是要站起来,从人群当中脱颖而出。And the best strategy is not to hunker down and fit in. It's to stand up and stand out.

在建造理想国的大农场方面,FLDS的首领们曾想持观望和逃避注意的态度。In building the ranch in Eldorado, FLDS leaders planned to hunker down and escape notice.

但是十年后,我们已经显示美国没有蹲下躲在不信任的墙后面。But a decade later, we’ve shown that America doesn’t hunker down and hide behind walls of mistrust.

如果不够强烈,信息不能在意识中存留,等着时间让其回归。If it isn't powerful enough, it won't hunker down in our minds, biding its time before it boomerangs back.

冬季,举例说,你可以去找一影迷朋友,手里拿一小桶爆米花,一起窝哪看电影。In winter, perhaps you’ll be looking for a fellow movie buff to hunker down with, bucket of popcorn in hand.

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这个时候,很多人要转场定居直到春天,那些还循着传统游牧生活节奏的人们尤其如此。It's when many, especially those who adhere to traditional nomadic rhythms of life, hunker down until spring.

事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable.

当恐慌来临,只要用光几桶用不要的速食做成的燃料,坐下然后自己制作燃料就可以了。When panic sets it, just drain the grease tanks of a few abandoned fast food joints, hunker down and make your fuel.

所有害羞、内向和不善社交的人都可以盘膝坐在闪烁的屏幕前,面对世界低语。The shy, the introverted and the socially inept can all hunker down before a glowing computer and whisper to the world.

抗议者周一说,示威活动还将继续扩大,还说他们在准备天冷时的避寒措施。Protesters said Monday the movement would continue to expand and said they were preparing to hunker down for cold weather.

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科学家们多年来已知悉TB细菌有能力“闭目养神”并在应激情形下进入“打坐参禅”式的冬眠状态。Scientists have long known that the TB bacterium has the ability to "hunker down" and go dormant under stressful conditions.

可惜以色列无法迁居,只能严守其和埃及之前签订的和平边界。But Israel cannot emigrate, and it will have no choice but to hunker down and fortify its formerly peaceful border with Egypt.

斯基纳是对你的一种考验,考验你的韧性和耐心,考验你沉得住气的本领,直到美丽的风景出现。A test of your resilience, your patience, your ability to hunker down and sit tight till something wonderful turns up. And it does.