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免得损伤脾肺之气。Lest damage the gas of lienal lung.

肝脾偶见肿大。Liver is lienal see occasionally intumescent.

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肝脾可有轻度肿大。Liver is lienal can have spend gently intumescent.

我男朋友总是闹肚子,他说是他脾不好!My boy friend always makes gut, he says is him lienal bad!

望唇齿对于诊察脾、肾病证有一定帮助。Hope the lip ages card of lienal to examine, nephrosis has certain help.

长期消化不良者,加刺下脘、胃俞、脾俞。Long-term indigestion person, add Yu of the Wan below thorn, stomach, lienal Yu.

脾胃不和,加胃俞、脾俞、中脘、足三里。TasteDisaccord, the Yu that add a stomach, lienal Yu, medium Wan, sufficient 3 lis.

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脾肾俱虚,则失其闭藏统摄,故见孕期出血。Empty of lienal kidney all, break its to shut Tibetan all to photograph, reason sees pregnancy bleeds.

此方适应于营养不良性水肿,有健脾、补气、消水肿的功效。This just suits at hidebound sex oedema, have be good at lienal , Filling gas, the effect of disappear oedema.

此方适应于脾虚倦怠、四肢乏力、食欲不振、中气虚弱等症。This just suits at lienal empty listless, limb is lack of power, inappetence , medium deficiency of vital energy is weak wait for disease.

红细胞生存时间正常,晚期有血色病伴脾肿大及脾机能亢进时,可以缩短。Red blood cell lives time is normal, terminal when disease of redness of skin accompanies splenomegaly and lienal function hyperfunction, can shorten.

山药、莲子、百合、红枣能健脾养胃,止泄安神,从而维护肌肤润泽健美。Yam, lotus seed, lily, red jujube can be good at lienal raise a stomach, stop dischargeCalm the nerves, safeguard skin moist thereby strong and handsome.

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对于肠道慢性炎症所引起的失眠,可归纳为中医脾功能失调的范围。The insomnia that place of chronic to alvine path inflammation causes, but the limits with lienal maladjusted function of reduce traditional Chinese medical science.

不论是心经自病,或者脾病、肾病、肝病及胃病影响于心,均可导致失眠。It is heart classics no matter from disease, disease of lienal perhaps disease, nephrosis, liver and stomach trouble are affected at the heart, all can bring about insomnia.

左肾上极内侧部与半月形的左肾上腺贴着,前中部与胰腺尾部、脾脏血管邻接,下部与结肠脾曲毗邻。On left kidney extremely inside ministry and half-moon left adrenal sticking, before mid as abut as blood-vessel of pancreatic rear, milt, lienal music of bottom and colon borders.

有的胃下垂病人,还合并有其他脏器如肾、肝、脾、横结肠下垂,称之为全内脏下垂。Some gastroptosis patients, amalgamative still if kidney, liver, lienal , transverse colon is flagging, have other internal organs of the body, say for completely splanchnic prolapse.