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我期待着数月后率领一个类似的代表团参加第二轮战略安全对话。I look forward to leading a similar team for the second round of the SSD in the coming months.

这些修改者还安装了一个128G的固态硬盘,但是他们却不能增加RAM的数量。The modders also put a 128GB SSD drive in, but they were unable to increase the amount of RAM.

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结论SSD和MPR重建有助于了解复杂骨折类型,合适的重建方法能在较短时间内显示最佳效果。Conclusion The appropriate method of the SSD and MPR reformats gain the best result in short time.

SSD均能很好显示肾动脉主干的起源、大小、形态及与周围的解剖关系。SSD could display clearly the origin, size, shape and adjacent anatomy relationship of main renal artery.

OTA鉴权中SSD数据需要以一种高级别的安全措施经常更新。SSD data in OTA authentication must be updated frequently by means of a security measure of a high level.

作为世界上最大的NAND闪存芯片提供商,提高现阶段较少的固态硬盘出货量并不成问题。Samsung is the world’s largest NAND flash maker, so it is capable of increasing SSD volumes, Unsworth said.

结论多层螺旋CT肺动脉造影检查是诊断肺动脉栓塞有效、安全、迅速的首选方法。MPR was superior to SSD. Conclusion CTPA is a safe, non-invasive and effective method for the diagnosis of PTE.

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从帕克前Parvex系列SSD是一个大气压范围内永久磁铁使用有害伺服电动机设计。EX series from Parker SSD Parvex is a range of permanent magnet servomotors designed for use in hazardous atmospheres.

试验数据表明,有地下排水系统的所有地区,其土壤盐化度都呈现出逐渐下降的趋势。Extensive and detailed monitoring data showed that soil salinity had a downward trend in all soils with SSD installed.

尽管我尽了最大的努力,我还是无法做到要求的两者的平等,因此雕刻固态硬盘本身这个想法就被搁置了。Despite my best effort though, I could not achieve the required parallelism, and so engraving the SSD itself was abandoned.

无论是全部或部分更换硬盘存储,SSD技术都是数据中心运营工具箱中的优秀工具之一。Whether total or partial replacement for hard disk storage, SSD technology is a good tool in the datacenter operations arsenal.

这部分是因为对的SSD的好处,其中包括性能,功耗效率,耐用性和轻量,紧凑的尺寸。This is partly because of SSD benefits, which include performance, power efficiency, ruggedness and a lightweight, compact size.

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要让它一直保持这种状态就要把它拆开,用一个定做的设备固定它让她尽可能保持是平的。To hold the SSD within the required tolerance, it was disassembled and a custom fixture was made to hold it as flat as possible.

雨季通过地下排水系统淋洗排出的盐分数量大于灌溉季节引入的盐分数量。The salts leached through the SSD system during the monsoon season was larger than the salt input to the soil through irrigation.

该公司目前推出了有史以来最薄的笔记本-X300,它将只能使用固态硬盘,目前配置的是64GB型号。The company launched its thinnest ever notebook today, the X300, which will only be available with a SSD drive, currently a 64GB model.

但尽管SSD的价格将会下降,我还是怀疑能否在短短三个月的时间里“大幅”下跌。I am no expert in price forecasting, but, while SSD prices will fall, I doubt they will drop 'drastically' in as little as three months.

我们的工程师的目标是建立一个平衡的SSD,在多样的实际使用环境中表现。During C400 development, our engineers' goal was to create a well-balanced SSD that would perform well in multiple real-world environments.

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由于内存是有限的,而且相对于硬盘和SSD仍然昂贵,应用SSD处理这样的工作是有意义的。Since main-memory is power-intensive and still expensive relative to hard disk ahd SSD, adopting SSD for such workloads makes a lot of sense.

论文针对图像匹配计算中的SSD和NCC算法提出一种基于递推增量计算的改进算法。This paper proposes computational optimization method based on the incremental computation of the SSD and NCC algorithms for the stereo matching.

直到2007年年底,固态硬盘行业的几乎每家厂商都一致认为,MLC不可能用于任何固态硬盘中,无论是消费者领域还是在企业领域。Bear in mind that through the end of 2007 nearly everyone in the SSD business agreed that MLC could not be used in any SSDs, whether client or enterprise.