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艾赛尼派教徒正确的内涵是什么?。Q. What is the correct meaning of the term Essene?

向厄色尼的做法,类似于已经注意到了。To Essene practices, similar to that which has already been noticed.

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许多古艾赛尼派教徒是未来的伟大预言者,而且他们的预言很少是错误的。Many of the Essene were great prophets of the future and were seldom wrong in their predictions.

成为一个艾赛尼派教徒要准备很长时间和超过三年以上的净化时期。To become an Essene there was a period of preparation and purification that extended over three years.

同样,如上所述,在苦修教派的经典中,耶稣谈到他传授的是光与音的静坐法门。Also, as mentioned above, Jesus reveals that He is a Master of Light and Sound Meditation in the Essene texts.

居民昆兰可能已领导人,或者只有一小分支,广泛的厄色尼运动。The inhabitants of Qumran may have been the leaders, or perhaps only a small branch, of a broad Essene movement.

通过使用相结合的来源,但是,学者们制定了以下初步提纲厄色尼的历史。By using a combination of sources, however, scholars have developed the following tentative outline of Essene history.

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在这两种情况下是不可能知道如何以及在何种程度上昆兰文件反映了标准的厄色尼做法和信仰。In either case it is impossible to know just how and to what extent the Qumran documents reflect standard Essene practices and beliefs.

在技术变化迅速、国际竞争激烈的时代,创业精神、创业能力是增强竞争力、获得成功和创造美好生活的根基所在。In this new era of rapid changes in technology arid international competition, the spirit and ability of undertaking is the essene of success and bright future.

人民法院的裁判文书具有双重性,它以法律精神为实质,以写作理念为指导。The juridical document issued by people's court has a double nature legal moral conotitutes the essene of juridical document and it is guided under the writing principles.

凯西说在艾赛尼派教派里面有它自己的教派。哲学的分界点似乎就是是否人可以使事物发生或是否只是上帝可以使事物发生。Cayce said that there were sects within the Essene movement itself. The philosophical dividing point seemed to be whether man could make things happen or whether only God could make things happen.